
Aimsir's avatar

Registered: 06/12/2007

Birthday: 04/27


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Formerly known as Full Moon Psycho back in '07.

I like purple and the great outdoors.



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Under Your Intoxication Report | 03/13/2023 10:04 am
gaia_nitemareleft Thank you so much for buying from my store! gaia_nitemareright
Nyun is Cold Report | 02/05/2023 6:45 am
T u T ~ It's tiring sometimes but always rewarding when done.

Nyun is Cold Report | 02/05/2023 6:39 am
I'm good, taking my coffee break before running C:

How about you?
Nyun is Cold Report | 02/05/2023 6:36 am
Hello Aim!

Good morning from Canada C:
boba Report | 02/01/2023 2:01 pm
Poisonous Gem Report | 01/14/2023 5:00 pm
thewaitingtree Report | 12/23/2015 8:26 am
Thank you! 4laugh
faolan Report | 10/31/2015 9:13 am
I try to think of my relatives as practice, or lessons. I have a hard time just telling my grandfather hello, he's such an a**, so I kind of see him as an honestly brilliant and admirable person who reached his goals and switched off. No need to learn anything more, or create compromises with others, or fire up the old brain at all, when you become a CEO, and even less need after retirement. So I figure if I can be civil to HIM, I can be civil to any supervisor or manager at whatever job in my own life. That's the theory, at least. Haven't quite managed to put it into practice effectively. I just don't toe the line very well, at least without having some notion of what the line's for and what the purpose of me standing on it is. xD
faolan Report | 10/31/2015 6:07 am
A thought about "family"... you've heard the expression, "keep your friends close, your enemies closer", yes? Hard to get much closer than being related.

I suspect holidays always involve lots of food because it's harder to snipe at one another when your mouth's full. Add enough wine (and a few shots of scotch/gin/tequila/pick a liquor), and everyone can pretend the next day that they don't remember what was said (and we've all got at least one relative who doesn't have to pretend)!
Mizu Hira Report | 10/25/2015 11:14 am
Thanks for buying heart It is greatly appreciated
Please stop by again if you get the chance!
gaia_spoons Mizuki gaia_spoons


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Carpe noctem
