Misuki Marishima

Misuki Marishima's avatar

Last Login: 06/04/2024 4:00 pm

Registered: 06/13/2004

Gender: Female

Location: Texas

Birthday: 03/18/1989

Occupation: Substitute Teacher

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A Little Information

Good day, visitor.

You can call me "Misuki", "Misu", "angel" (if you're part of the Good Omens fandom), or "Sue" (if your haunt is FEF.)

I'm a 34 year old female, and I've been on Gaia since 2004.

At the moment my active interests are: Ace Attorney, Discworld, Fire Emblem: Engage, Triangle Strategy, Animal Crossing: New Horizons, Demon Slayer and Spy x Family. I also have a background interest in Tales of Vesperia, Octopath Traveler, The Final Fantasy Series (6, 7, 8, 9, 10, Tactics and Tactics A2), Disney/Pixar Movies, Miyazaki Films, the Good Omens novel, and many other films/series. Just check my interest tags or ask me.

I write, and it's mostly fan fiction surrounding my interests. I have recently dabbled in shipping fic, but I generally write whichever relationships strike my fancy, romantic or platonic. I definitely love me some hurt/comfort, healing or fluff fic. All of my stories you read are from my heart -- and I simply write them because they are "something I've always wanted to read."

I love feedback! If you're so inclined, feel free to leave reviews or kudos on my work!

If you choose to click on my "Personal Website" and visit my AO3 page, I appreciate your readership!

That's all I've got to say for now. heart

If you want to find out more, why not drop me a line? My inbox is open, and I'll try and reply in a timely manner.

Have it!

No items equipped.

This is How I sign my Letters

~Sue, Wielder of the Silver Pen, Agent of Uriel, Child of the Man Upstairs, Writer of Rough Beginnings, but Happy Endings. One who still believes that "All is well."

Reader and Writer of all sorts of stories. Currently obsessed with Ace Attorney. ♥

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LickYouToDeath Report | 12/17/2023 12:13 pm
Thanks for buying from my store pls revisit again
Magicle Report | 12/26/2020 1:53 pm
You too!
Magicle Report | 12/23/2020 7:19 pm
Thanks for buying
Prodigious_girl Report | 11/30/2020 3:56 pm
I've heard of LegalEagle. Some people were trying to get him to discuss the Vic Mignogna situation. Not sure if you heard about that. I won't get into because it's such a polarized topic but it drew the attention of Law Twitter so naturally people wanted all sorts of opinions.

Surprisingly our Premier has handled the pandemic well. I say surprisingly because the guy was basically branded as a potential Trump-lite. He definitely conservative and he's definitively not perfect but in this particular incident he's handled it well. I hope the reality of the pandemic has changed his view on the need for social assistance and whatnot and that he'll continue to defend all related things. He's also been working along the federal liberals which I don't think anyone saw coming because he spent so much time bashing them in the election. Gosh!

Our schools are up and running too. My brother is in college and he only goes on Monday. Most of his classes are online. There's only like, 10 kids in his class and they're all spaced apart. Not sure how the elementary and secondary schools are doing but I know there have been cases in classes.

One of the youtubers I enjoy watching is Kelsey Impicciche. She's just so positive and I love her 100 baby challenge. She uploads it every Saturday.
Prodigious_girl Report | 11/29/2020 6:59 pm
If I recall correctly, you were doing substitute teaching last time we spoke. Are you still doing that? And I totally hear you. I'm normally introverted too but I do try to go somewhere for my birthday at least. I didn't get to go anywhere last year so I was hoping to maybe go to Quebec City or even London, England this year but Covid put a stop to that. Ah well, you can't win every year.

Going out right now brings its risks too. A person at my work tested positive for CV and I was in on their last shift. It was really scary, especially since someone in my household is immunocompromised. Luckily, no one who had contact with this person developed symptoms. Everyone else on staff is good. Because I work at the library its a very public place and anyone can come in claiming they're symptom free. We don't take temperatures, just ask (though we do take info for contact tracing, have a capacity number and limited stay time). It feels really faulty to ask our guests to call us if they've tested positive. Like...no one is going to do that. 😣 I love my job but I don't think my employers handled this as well as they could have. Mind you the last epidemic like this was a hundred years ago so...not much to work with.

How has the general attitude in Texas been? Most people comply but you get a few conspiracy theorists here and there. People claiming they have mask exemptions when its pretty clear they don't.

Also did you get snow in Texas!? I heard some parts of the state got snow over the weekend. How cool! We've only had one snow fall where I am in Ontario - nothing that stuck, but were supposed to get some more over the next few days.
Prodigious_girl Report | 11/28/2020 5:20 pm
gonk sorry, I meant abroad not apart. These comments need an edit button.
Prodigious_girl Report | 11/28/2020 5:18 pm
Things are okay. The lack of ability to move around is really being felt. Can't even take a trip outside of my own city. With a vaccine on its way 2021 is looking more promising. Its been a few years since I've gone apart. Might start planning for late 2021 or early 2022. 🥳🌍

Have you picked up any hobbies while in quarantine? I started acrylic painting.
Prodigious_girl Report | 11/27/2020 6:23 pm
Hey old friend! Hope things are well in Texas. Saw that crazy election a few weeks back. Wow. Saw your post about isolation. Are you all in lockdown? My sister is in Toronto and they had to do a second lock down because numbers were on the rise again. We're not bad where I am - just restrictions on how many people can be in a space. And of couse lots of hand sanitizing and mask wearing.
RosesxScythes Report | 11/07/2019 2:02 pm
Is that avi of yours currently that of Isa/Saix from KH? Cuz now it's making me wanna try to make Lea but that would be a bit difficult since I don't know if they have Lea/Axel's hair. They have Reno's, which is similar, but not enough spikes |D
Prodigious_girl Report | 11/09/2017 11:42 am
I was going to leave a nice message but I thought somethings might be too revealing so I decided to PM you instead. <3

All is well. <3

Rainbows and Sparkles for all! 8D