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Oh.... erro there.... This must be the part where I say something witty. Well lets see... You can call me Rainbow or the common name I'm know under, Yuki. I'm an ex gaia trad, but I came back because I have no life. I heart illustrating, painting, partying, cars(Imports and Euros plz), comic books, cartoons, coffee, tea, music, being insane, adventure, and doing your mom..... I mean what (O_o) I really love to draw, illustrate, and paint so hit me up for commissions. I do sell my work! Talk to me about cars it turns me on! Just don't be some ricers! Looking to purchase a Honda Civic D series if your selling I'm interested ;)

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Viewing 12 of 41 friends



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

ox-Silent Rain-xo

Report | 10/09/2010 2:54 pm

ox-Silent Rain-xo

Happy birthday girl!
ox-Silent Rain-xo

Report | 09/02/2010 7:11 pm

ox-Silent Rain-xo

Ahhh I know the feeling i have had that feeling a few times and I can relate it sucks.... but some times over time you realize it was for the best. For me personally I miss what the friends ship was like when it was good but I am much happier now with out those friendships because they went a 180 away from good. *huggles* but it is great you are meeting new people. I am both not having trouble and having trouble meeting new people. I meet new people I get to know them a bit but... I just don't get to close.... I guess right now I am just being to guarded.
ox-Silent Rain-xo

Report | 08/22/2010 1:45 pm

ox-Silent Rain-xo

*scuttles in and looks all over throughtfully and then pokes and then runs off and hides behind a potted plant before poking head back out* you okay hun? i seen your status message. if you need to talk don't be scared to pm me you know you always can! but just so you know your not alone on the friend thing. Everyone needs to let go of some friendships over time it sucks but you can always remember the good times of that friendship. after all friends no matter how long they are in your life help make you who you are. so it always hurts to let them go, even if the friendship goes bad... it sucks... i know that all too well but you always make new friends! and some times old friends come back into your life again later and you end up closer friends the second time around. if i am way off just tell me to shut up okies! ^^" i kinda took a bit of a shot in the dark! i don't want to see an unhappy Yuki. ^^
XxYoung DemonxX

Report | 07/12/2010 12:21 am

XxYoung DemonxX

Lol! not like that I mean a person wants to talk to females once in a while kinda share a girly bond...jeeze no matter how you put it, it sounds wrong xDD
XxYoung DemonxX

Report | 07/10/2010 9:26 am

XxYoung DemonxX

Yep I realized being a female on the sight condemns you to attracting retards and girls ignoring you so I switched to my male one I've had for forever.
XxYoung DemonxX

Report | 07/08/2010 8:18 pm

XxYoung DemonxX

XxYoung DemonxX

Report | 07/06/2010 9:49 pm

XxYoung DemonxX

Yuki's back o.o seriously? AWESOME!
ox-Silent Rain-xo

Report | 06/23/2010 7:25 pm

ox-Silent Rain-xo

lol. i hope all goes well! *huggles*

Report | 05/24/2010 8:07 pm


oh em gee you must pm me =D
ox-Silent Rain-xo

Report | 05/24/2010 6:58 pm

ox-Silent Rain-xo

lol not much these days paying off loans, working full time, trying to keep a social life and semi sorta failing and yet succeeding, drawing , trying to get started on my online schooling. that is about all i can really think of. lol


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Commissions are open read all about it on my DA http://yukinoangel8919.deviantart.com/journal/32197010/