Darth Maleus's avatar

After slaying many at Malachor V I returned to Korriban where I spent many long months in silent meditation. It was on Korriban that I learned much in the way of the Dark forces of the Universe and of my own ancestry, dedicating many years studying in the Library on Korriban and in the dusty tomb of Ajunta Pall. I discovered some of the hieroglyphs scrawled across the walls of Ajunta Pall's tomb hinted at my very own past and was able to trace my lineage back to Xendor himself. I am of the Dark Jedi, the Sith Lords, the Jen'ari. I am Darth Maleus.

"The Darth title was more than just a symbol of power; it was a claim of supremacy. It was used by those Dark Lords who have sought to enforce their will on the other Masters. It was a challenge—a warning to bow down or be destroyed."
―Sith Blademaster, Kas'im