
Stegsie's avatar

Last Login: 04/27/2022 4:23 pm

Gender: Male

Location: Central NY

Birthday: 10/03/1991

Occupation: Shipping/Cleaning/Salesfloor

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Hello, I'm Moe, although you may call me whatever you wish~ I've been a member of Gaia since April 11th, 2005. I've gone by many names, including MoMac, The Panda Alchemist,, Xiao Mei the Panda, and Musical Panda being my most recent. Maybe you've seen me around?

I like to enjoy Gaia with my friends from both online and offline. I think that's the whole point of Gaia, to make and interact with friends.

I used to hope to one day work for Gaia, whether volunteer or paid; that was the inspiration for me to decide to go into graphic design. I'm trying to get back into the site now and possibly apply for a moderator position in the future. If you ever need help around the site, ask me and I'll do my best to help.

I'm a wannabe writer with tons of ideas floating around. They probably came somewhere from all the fantasy & adventure books I devoured as a child.

I also grew up on science stuff. (Thanks teacher parents!) It may explain my tolerance for stupidity gore, as well as my love of the TV series Bones.

I'm a bit of an artsy fellow, if you couldn't tell already. I draw poorly, cosplay, and bestow upon my loved ones handcrafted gifts which are usually severely late.

I enjoy a lot of different things, mostly artsy and geeky, though. =3 I studied abroad in Fukuoka, Japan, and absolutely loved it. I plan on moving back there some day.

If you've read through all of that, I applaud you. That's probably more information than most want to know about me.


View Journal

The journal of a crazy panda....

I'll be using this journal mostly to show off my wonderful collection of art, pets, and other miscellaneous items. Occasionally I might throw in a rant.



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Lofty Ambition Report | 04/28/2024 7:13 pm
Rasabon Report | 04/27/2009 10:46 pm
Your posting style is a Vienna Teng song! It always makes me so very happy when I find other people who listen to her!
xdearpanda Report | 04/04/2009 6:25 pm
Haha, I grabbed yer booty(x
Elfking Thranduil Report | 03/29/2009 1:38 pm
Actually Waka's hair is pretty damned long, it's just his bangs that are short. The reason I chose the hairstyle I did is because it gets rid of the eyebrows, and Waka doesn't have them either =)
Akinou Report | 02/25/2009 6:51 pm
Oh, hey. Aw, don't worry about the birthday thing, it's really not an important date to me. I'm, um... I don't know, in a tough spot. Looking at trying to move out of my father's house. Hope you've had better luck with life since we last talked.

Thanks for the comment though, hope to talk to you soon.
LittleZoeysMama Report | 01/29/2009 4:04 pm
lol! Your so funny.

I love the necklace your wearing.

what's it called again?

So I got on my super old account the other day and I noticed the day I actually started gaia was 11/6/2004!

lol. but at some point I took a break and didn't start back up til 2006 whenever. XP

Now I totally regrett that! lol.

Awesome I can't wait for a drawing! I guess I should ifnd an outfit I really like! lol.

I changed today, do you like my avi now?

we don't know yet if it'll be a boy or girl but we will by my next appointment. :] Which is super soon!

lol Thanks anyways for the Dark elf potion! It's cute though!

&& Yeah hopefully obama keeps some sort of his word he's expressed and takes care of our country if not we're headed towards the*tter to be blunt. XP
LittleZoeysMama Report | 01/13/2009 7:13 pm
Wow that's one old account.

The Baby's Due June 25th supposedly, which is 3 days before it's daddy's birthday. :]

As for Morning Sickness, I never felt it. Right now I'm 4 months pregnant and 4 days.

Most people stop feeling morning sickness after 3 months average. I guess I was just lucky.

Awh well in that case, I'll pose for you to draw me!! ;] LOL. User Image [joking]

It's hard for me to play Zomg because I live with my boyfriend and whenever I'm on he wants to make sure I'm not talking to guys LOL. See like right now he asked who I was talking to. Glad you make time for PMs and Cmnts! haha.

ooh! Do you know how much that item goes for? I don't know what my favorite is, I have the prism thing though. I do like the alice in wonderland thing too though heh.

I'm doing swell lately dealing with a little bit of struggle since the economy is down, but really who isn't? I'm procrastinating cleaning my room which is probably the most important thing to get done before I have the baby, and then there's also me having to save money when I don't even have a job yet. XP

How are you doing? I forgot, how old are you now? User Image
LittleZoeysMama Report | 01/12/2009 10:38 am
Ah! how old was your original account on here? I don't remember my oldest account because I used it when I was way younger. but this one's 2 and a half years old.

I try to get on when I can, but being pregnant, with a boyfriend in college, makes like a little hectic. lol. yup. I'm pretty young to be having a child, but my family's pretty excited about it actually even though it wasn't suspposed to happen yet.

I don't know. anyways that'd be great! i would do you an avi art too but I'm on a laptop right now and it has horrible connection. and my house computer is a crappy messs! lol. ah well anyways it still lets me on Zomg and that's all that matters! what's your current favorite item on gaia now?
LittleZoeysMama Report | 01/06/2009 9:48 am
Awh that's so depressing! Well I'm sorry you haven't and hopefully your luck changes around at least!!

What exactly happened and why'd you get banned?

^^ How have you been?
LittleZoeysMama Report | 12/26/2008 7:43 am
We haven't talked in a long time, and I commented your other profile saying merry christmas, but I'm guessing you got that account back or no? User Image Well I hope soo! Ahhh It's been forever! Lol. do you remember me?


Boy ~ 30 ~ Queer ~ Single ~ Ace

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MoMac/The Panda Alchemist/Xiao Mei the Panda/Musical Panda/Stegash0ta
All me.


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