
I finally got a new profile! /dances. Ordered from ►►n o x


-lies. She's only half Asian xP
-has a favorite band, and it is Cold
-has a favorite German band, and it is Oomph!
-is know as Pancakes, Asian, Pan, Kehki, Cake, Pannie...Panks xD
-is rarely ever on this site anymore


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Kiyori Mikura

Report | 06/21/2012 3:54 pm

Kiyori Mikura

Yay C: It took that long to present it? O - O Aw, but they didn't have that class, right? At least this happened weeks ago ; x ;

Interesting c: and complicated xD; Did you finish it? How was it?

... Oooh o n e.

8D! Yeah, but it's a cycle, if you put it together. You wake up late, after morning, and spend the day and night awake because you woke up later than usual; you stay up until early next morning, and because of this, when you finally go to sleep, you sleep a long time. Unless you would like a long day (and short night), you could wake up early and sleep late each day. If you would like a short day (and long night), you could wake up early and sleep early, but you have many days ahead of you. Just because you have to go to sleep one night doesn't mean you can't continue the next morning, and because you have all your hours, you have energy and clear mind.
Kiyori Mikura

Report | 06/08/2012 8:19 pm

Kiyori Mikura

^ u ^

-nods- o3o (8O Same here!) Ohh . o . I'm doing the same >, u <

Isn't that also coordinating? Only it's mild? xP Your T-shirts can't all be the same copies. Are your jeans the same exact shade? -loltoodetailed-
Lol, fancy? xD;

I see, haha, yep! xD Yay!! whee Soo~ How was the end of school? > u> Or is it still on for a little bit more?

xDDD;;;. Yep = u=;;;. Oh my god o A e I know!! You described what I couldn't describe! 8'D Thaaaank you! x''D

Oh my god, speaking of shaking, a few years ago, my friend, classmates and I had to dance a hip-hop routine in front of a gym-filled .. gym! It was a requirement for PE; every year we'd have it if we were taking PE. All of us were in our own groups and we had to make a dance, or copy one, practice the moves, and present it a few weeks later. After the performance was done and after I sat down, my body started shaking from my nerves and I couldn't stop vibrating for a while e __ e;;ll|| I don't know what it's called when it happens after. My body caught up? The nervousness was postponed/constrained so that it didn't appear yet?

I'm sorry to hear the start of your second semester wasn't your happiest period. But I'm happy it's over with and that you survived. Worse things can happen.

What's a portfolio class? I'm sorry you felt lost =( "I had no idea what to do", does the teacher not instruct you during class?? -really doesn't know- Or, by 'I had no idea what to do', did you mean you didn't know of an idea for the portfolio? German presentation? -forgets- Isn't one supposed to give a presentation without a script? Or is a presentation with a script and then he had you recite your presentation without the script? =( Languages, other than the language one is fluent in, are difficult like that. Makes you question if it's worth it lol. Oh! What about self-learning? 8D Not learning about yourself XD;; Learning something by yourself. C:

I do that too. Once, I started my English essay early, the outline then the draft, and for rest of the week, I was freeeeeee ~ ! This made me want to do work first again 8'D. I usually do work first but in 2011-2012, I stopped ; ^ ;
Kiyori Mikura

Report | 05/14/2012 9:10 pm

Kiyori Mikura

because of the way the classes were; I knew no one and everything was so scheduled and the three teachers and their students specifically put into their three different small/medium classrooms. It was creeeeppy. (Well, it was a professional business. Had a name, had MANY students, pictures and descriptions plastered along one wall of all the people who had previously took tutoring from the "organization" and succeeded in whatever after in their older adult years.)

... To tell you how truly awful it was, I would have rather done something else than go to that six/seven hours-long class (or was it four/five hours??). I would have wanted essays. I would have wanted to get a job and work my butt off for three months, five days per week straight. I would have wanted to directly and bravely confess to some guy. I would have wanted to wait in a LONG line for something. I would have even wanted an oral presentation! And I hate oral presentations; I suck at them and I (can) become incredibly nervous. Anything would not compare to the strength that weighed down on me. Every time, before my mom drove me there, when I knew what I'd be doing for the evening, the pain that I felt , from having to attend that class, bored 'anguish' into my heart. Anything would have been better than attending the tutor class. It felt like a ton was wrapped around my heart as an anchor. Have you ever felt that way towards anything? 8O
Kiyori Mikura

Report | 05/14/2012 9:10 pm

Kiyori Mikura

xDDD d Good, good! -does too-
Ohhh, I thought it was for homework! . O . Aw, you'll get there! Just take one step at a time and eventually, you'll be all done and you won't notice, count, how long it took you! Weeellll. That, maybe. Motivation, definitely, could be the other problem c:

Oh o - o. Okay. ... Lol, that almost happened to me earlier. I actually have no reason to log on, other than to talk to a few people I can't elsewhere (ie: roleplayers), right now, so it's actually the first time I purposely have not bothered to log on in five to six years. Well, that, and I want to finish Bleach so I don't log on. However, even after I finish, I'll be busy because I'll be working or practicing my driving when I'm not working. If I am absolutely free, with Gaia as an idea in my head, I think I'll be bored. No one's going to be online, I know it, so it's useless to log on.

I had this feeling after I read your words .... It's perfectly fine you don't often log in, but do you mind? It's your account. If the tektek toolbar wasn't there, would you mind if you temporarily or permanently forgot about Gaia?

You're welcome! C': Aww, thank you ^, u ^ It was my outfit that day and I happen to wear that same combination of clothes ever since I got the new top and jacket. Everything happens to be brown~ A sleeveless light trench coat, a checkered (small sized) brown and white dress (it extends a little past the waist line but isn't a dress), jeans that aren't light blue or black but still blue, and a pair of brown sandals with flowers on the band near the toes. That avatar was the only thing I could get closest to my outfit C':

Lol, really? xD I can't either because I haven't tried before c: ;; But I do have a sort of sense, when it comes to real life clothing, so I'm sure it goes into virtual dress up as well ; o ; ?

Heehee o v e We all feel like that at the end of the year ~ xD ":It's so close, just a little longer" and the lack of motivation and will to do assignments appears o u e;.
Oh nooo > o <. ALL of your teachers? Is that possible? > o> Wait, what? Dx .. Um, well, essays are horrible assignments, but they do help you get the practice, I suppose; and maybe they are for marks? At the end of the year, sometimes, teachers are out of things to give students, perhaps, to hand in so their marks can get higher ... ? So they may give essays??? o.o Other than that, since that is a nonsense guess of mine from rambling, the essays, I think, are to evaluate your skill. There will be many essays in the future, and they are tougher. High school essays are easy, so the more used to essays one is, the more prepared one will be for any essay. Um;; Terribly sorry, I'm rambling ....

A month will pass by more than two months, so your pain is thankfully not long C:> I'm sorry you're having a less than pleasant time with school, finding the proportions and type of assignments unfair ; ^ ; But you can get through it! You always do! I believe in you.

Good luck on all your essays! I'm sure you'll do amazing on them because you're so smart and diligent ~
Once the essays are finished, at least the essays are finished; and you can forget alllllll about them <3 and immediately proceed to activate 'complete relaxation mode'! Looking forward to a reward or a treat helped me through an unfitting tutor class and summer school, but summer school was okay. It was the tutor class that really wasn't. That kind of tutoring (and the duration style) didn't fit me; the hours (per day) were long; the breaks were little; it was arduous; and before every class, I was always looking far ahead, at the final stage, at the sunshine at the end of the class because after all the lesson and in class exercise sheets, I could log on to spend time with someone C'':

That tutor class was the most painful thing xDD;

And creepy too
Kiyori Mikura

Report | 04/28/2012 11:10 am

Kiyori Mikura

By shiny things? o u o
You need to finish them? o O o
o3o I saw the back of it recently and it talks about something important, but I didn't want to read about it c: ;; But I believe you cause I skimmed the back cover summary xD

Seriously??? Dx

LOL 8D you have that right! C: Good luck ~ ^ u ^

Sorry for the last response. I don't like comments anymore ninja

Oh, and, by the way, nice colour coordination with your avatar = v= ~

Report | 04/26/2012 11:01 am


I love your profile!
1)saw your profile
2)saw the thread where you got it
3)Saw the new thread the person who made you profile made (Sorry, I know it's fautly grammar)
4)Found the thread that says how to make V1 profiles
5)Thanks for having an easy-to-remember username! ily!
Kiyori Mikura

Report | 04/07/2012 7:16 pm

Kiyori Mikura

Heehee C:. Isn't that what everyone does? 8O
I thought "Mockingjay" was "How To Kill a Mockingbird" when I first read it! xD;;; I never read "How To Kill a Mockingbird", but I heard it enough times = u=;;.
Never heard of Mockingjay either, I'm sorry ;^; Whooa~ o 3 o Quick!

Aww, you're welcome!! ^ v ^

( sweatdrop That is annoying. Blanking out and having to redo it mog e 3 ell||;;;. But my friend's the kind that simply doesn't say much.)

Really?! O A ,< Rhetorical question, in this case, cause you couldn't have said it earlier: Why didn't you say that earlier? x'DD Aww, okay ;, v ; I'll try to always remember so I can talk normal 3nodding cause I tend to think it's bad if I talk to someone who doesn't say as much. I like to minimize as many differences as I can, so I adapt/alter myself to "fit". Like I wouldn't talk about movies with someone who doesn't watch any, yeah? c: Aww ; 3 ; Don't worry. You'll think of stuff to say ~ o v o)
Kiyori Mikura

Report | 04/02/2012 12:45 pm

Kiyori Mikura

xD; That sounds creepy xD;;. So quick lol;;

Whoa ~ 8O Oh o.o Reading a book at night is the best time! x''D;;; I'd sleep in on a day where there's not school, if not having to get up with the rest of my family, if I slept near or past midnight the night before o3o

Aw, cute c: Well, she could be just tired. Or bored about something else. I mean, if she were really bored of you, she wouldn't stay with you, now would she? But there she'd be, sleeping on the couch a few feet away from you. She likes your company. Lazy or not, she can go somewhere else to sleep, but she doesn't.

(Lol xD Thank you! I've had a friend read my message, listening to me talk, before and she replied with like one word or a one liner and I go, "That's it? e o e" It wasn't pleasant lol, so thank you for trying! <3 xD Don't feel bad C: As long as we don't run out of things to say, which is the important thing, we should be fine xP ~)

Lol, now I feel bad. Since mine's long, I feel I have to keep my reply short for it to be accepted xD;;;ll||.
Kiyori Mikura

Report | 03/24/2012 7:42 pm

Kiyori Mikura

I know, right? I'm like that too. I envy people who get to sleep in or are able to take naps. I'm like ';A;"

I can never sleep in = =. On weekends, my friends could sleep in... On a Sat/Sun, my best friend once slept until one or two in the afternoon!! Straight from last night! I was like "oh my god DD8". Well -tilts head-, no, when she first told me she just woke up, I shouted, "What!!?" xD;. That morning, I had wanted to call her during a time she'd be awake so I picked the afternoon. Well -tilts head- I was wrong > u>;;. I already knew she could sleep in, but not how much.

One or two years ago, my friend Zoe and I were IMing and then she told me she was going to take a nap. xD Out of the blue and people make it look so easy ~ = u =;
I was on my computer before she left all the way until after she returned like nothing happened lol. It never feel weird, but if one is aware of how much one is awake and how long one has been awake, compared to the sleeping person, then it would feel weird c: ;;

The only reason I went to bed was because of my messed up sleep schedule, like you already described about yourself =P. When my dorm building mates are awake. I end up staying up very late until it's quiet = A= I know how to have fun with people, but there's a difference between having fun and being disrespectful <8T

Sleep late, wake up early, sleepy but can't go to bed because of class, later in the day, I feel awake and at night, I'm a little too awake to go to sleep at nine, and the absence of proper sleep starts again, but for another reason Dx It sucks cause I always slept early. After someone told me they had insomnia, that was when everything changed ;x;. I started staying up late e _ e because someone was doing it too. One to two years ago, when I asked. my friends would tell me when they went to bed. They stayed up late, like til twelve or one, shocked me every time and I told them they were crazy, but their words never influenced me to want to sleep late too. I don't know what went wrong > A e Mooggg ; __ ;

On command? o - o;; Lucky ; 3 ;'. Doesn't she have to be a tad sleepy?

Naps don't help one's sleep, as sad as that is. u - u What's actually effective is sleeping early and waking up early, getting nine hours of sleep, and doing this in a routine/, and then you'll get your sleep. Catching up on sleep is proven to be of no help. It can even worsen your health > > Someone who has a night job sleeps during the day, they will look worse than normal people because the body fixes and does things while you sleep - during the night. And that's a real example; my dad told me someone he once knew had a night job, yaddi yaddi yah. =)
Kiyori Mikura

Report | 03/22/2012 12:51 pm

Kiyori Mikura

mog, I know D8 You just .. sit there o u e;; LOL, and it eats you awaaaayyy
Maybe a nap can help? Sleep is good for you 3nodding Would sleeping cure boredom? c: This year, I've taken a nap instead of watching the telly xD Or, well, TV episodes on my computer, anime episodes. I guess I felt a little more tired than bored, but both helped! 8O It was good cause I need(ed) the sleep c: And boredom helped me make the decision to go to bed! 8D


[list:43e9567501][list:43e9567501][list:43e9567501]its been fun[/list:43e9567501][/list:43e9567501][/list:43e9567501][/size:43e9567501]