_S u g o i S u g a r_

_S u g o i S u g a r_'s avatar

Last Login: 11/21/2010 8:21 am

Registered: 11/23/2006

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yummyumi Report | 03/13/2010 5:19 am
Poor cat, at least he won't get over heated with that bald patch. :3

My hair straighter works really well but half the time I can't be bothered standing there for an ages styling my hair. > _ < Besides I like the "i just got out of bed" look. c :

O: Damn that makes me sound like kind of a crybaby, I cried my a** of in metalwork when I hot glued my arm. . . T ^ T Wasn't as bad as the dude that put a needle through his hand though. Ouch.
yummyumi Report | 03/09/2010 8:00 pm
Oh geeze, that must of been awkward with your friend and all, I've been in that situation too. My cat got hit by a car. . . My friend was like uh I'm gonna go now kthxbai. > _ < Gotta love friends that know when it's time to bail. xD

Ouch that could be painful, at least the straighteners aren't plugged in. Those thing give the worst burns. > . > Well besides hot glue guns because you have to pick off the glue as it's burning you. D:
yummyumi Report | 03/07/2010 12:21 pm
Awww that's cute, too bad it got killed. T u T ! I had to google "polecat" because I had no idea what it was, is it a ferret type thing? They look kinda cute. > u < My search also returned a couple of cats on a pole. . . Omg you had a guinea pig? They're pretty cute too~ Sorreh about it dying, there seems to be a lot of that with small animals. gonk

Nah you're not weird, I only like certain kinds of fish too, some fish is just downright nasty, I always hate the skin on the bottom, I have to pick it off. D: I just like a lot of other seafood, like squid, crab, muscles, scalps, lobster, prawns, octopus, eel, etc. XD Yummy, *nomnom*

Awesome, I should keep those by my bed instead of cables wires, headphones and remotes. Ouch. . .
yummyumi Report | 03/04/2010 8:59 am
Yeah, I love my guys little ears, he's a mini lop so the hang. o u o His nose is pretty cute too, he's moving it all the time. Well you'll know if there's a lot of droppings outside that he's back !

I like chicken too, but I like seafood also, yummers. O:

Nice, you have some serious skills. ^.~ I bet that hurt in the morning though !

yummyumi Report | 03/01/2010 11:05 am
Yeah, and they're really, really good at marking their territory. . . mine's doing it right now. > . <* Aww maybe he just longed to roam the great outdoors? Haha.

That's only when it's overcooked, bit I'll admit the octopus is chewy. XD The sucker things are really good too.

I kinda wish I didn't blow all my x-mas monies already.

Luls, the sneakers. Probably won't even wake me up. n _ n*
yummyumi Report | 02/28/2010 1:26 pm
Hehe this guy tries to go where he's not supposed too, he's a house rabbit so he can roam around the house and stuff but there are barriers around the cables and that but he keeps trying to get through them. D: And I'm sorry about your rabbit running away. T ^ T

I like all kinds of sushi, I've even had bacon sushi before. Haha. . . Squid is yummy! ! I <3 squid and octopus. A chinese resturant I got to makes really good pork gyozas. Yumyum, I was taught how to make them but the dough is so fiddly. D:

Good christmas present. :3 I just get monies. Hahaha, there's always something I want to buy so it's the best option. : )

Yeah they are pretty scary, if you see one you're pretty much screwed. Waaaah~ Unless you run faster than wind or can climb really high. We've had a lot of small earthquakes, I think there was one a month or two ago while I was driving, at the time I thought it was just a truck or something going past me. I don't really know it's an earthquake unless it's a semi to really big one. > . <
yummyumi Report | 02/28/2010 10:12 am
Nah I think they're all lazy... Take my rabbit for example he won't even move to where you put it's food, I have to place it by him. XD

Ramen's good but I think I'm a fan of rice products more like onigirls and takoyakis, haha. I also love Japan's seafood. O:

Oh you have one of those touch ones, they're pretty cool I just got the one with the most gigs but I'm sure mines a earlier model. It still works though, even after it's been dropped a couple of times... XD

Thank and It was a false alarm. *Phew* I really wish no one told me about it though, it's a good thing too because they think if one hit the whole city would be underwater... My brother was like we'd be the new Atlantis. C:

yummyumi Report | 02/26/2010 12:55 pm
Oh I never knew that. :0 Those lucky farm animals, they don't even have to move to get food now!

Yeah rice is a pain to cook sometimes. It takes awhile to get used to the timing. D<

Oh noes! Don't tinker with the internet box. XD You can go on the internet with your ipod now? Geebus I'm really outdated here. Haha.
yummyumi Report | 02/22/2010 11:00 am
Thanks, I made another one too... I like tektek a lot. c:

What face bags? I don't think I've heard of them. o.o

This is Teriyaki Chicken. : D It was good too, but lol I know there are tons of things you can do to chicken... Mmmm you're so luck! It sounds good. I wonder what I'm going to have for dinner tonight. xD
On different food related news I'm finally getting a Japanese rice cooker~ I'm so excited, I'll be able to eat rice like everyday. <333
yummyumi Report | 02/21/2010 4:47 pm
Oh that lucky chest? I got it a few times too, I just don't have any cash. XD

Yeah I suppose, perhaps the cleaners would just eat the leftovers... What if you let go of your fries or something? You'd have to moonwalk to go and get them!

Mmmm I'm having teriyaki chicken for dinner, I think that's one of my favs when it comes to how to cook chicken. : DDDDD




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