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InvidiaDiaboli Report | 04/06/2023 4:18 am
happy birthday, rose! hope it's a good one gaia_star
TorquemadaC Report | 07/02/2019 7:20 am
Thank you for adding my avi to your favorites heart
Princess Dragonlady Report | 08/26/2018 3:16 am
Princess Dragonlady
thank u 4 buying at my store cat_smile
Zaddy Long Legz Report | 04/13/2018 11:34 pm
Zaddy Long Legz
Thanks for buying! heart
Sweatpants Princess Report | 12/03/2015 3:40 am
Sweatpants Princess
Your avatar right now looks so great, I just had to tell you that. heart
QXU Report | 09/06/2015 12:22 pm
thanks xp
Iconic_Demonic Report | 01/02/2015 1:02 am
thanks 3nodding
Mississippi Black Velvet Report | 12/27/2014 8:10 pm
Mississippi Black Velvet
You should be I don't just randomly go around harassing people to let them know how utterly fabulous I find them.
Well only half the time I do.

No, but I suck at small talk but just wanted to let you know that I did remember you. Have a good night. ^__^
Mississippi Black Velvet Report | 12/27/2014 7:55 pm
Mississippi Black Velvet
Ahaha, omg I'm sorry legit didn't mean to make you feel old. s**t, you figure we're all getting up there in age as it is. xd
I'm turning 27 next month and I have a little girl turning 2 next month also.

Well I'm glad to hear you're settled down and mellowing out and not as stressed as you were back in the day. I always thought you were just the bees knees.
Mississippi Black Velvet Report | 12/27/2014 7:39 pm
Mississippi Black Velvet
Yeah, all of that's understandable and bound to happen. 3nodding

You lurk enough you get to the point where you remember people. I only recently came out of my lurking shell and started posting more but I definitely remember you from way back when after the Earth had cooled and portal to Narnia was still open.

You seem to have mellowed through the years though. >___>
Again it's bound to happen.

Music For Your Soul


Penn Almasy

Penn Almasy's avatar

Gender: Female

Location: The Internet

Birthday: 04/06/1993


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tumblrsteam • Discord: mayasanguine

My name is Rose and, sometimes, I wonder why I'm still here.


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