
Hey! I'm a freshman in High School, but don't really want to tell you anymore then that about me. You could be a rapist, after all...

Wanna win 3000 gold? Click here for your chance to do so, by entering a raffle!

But if you want to see my dream avatar, go to http://tektek.org/dream/link/2006-Oct/07/23/1160281094_3533

Popular SHuga-ism's:
1. You are what your mother ate during her pregnancy.
2. To gain more out of life, you must earn more.
3. The closest America has gotten to making artificial intelligence is making white men speak in Indian accents.
4. God made man but for one reason- He was disappointed in the monkey.
5. His face was as blank as a target after the military's shooting practice.
6. After much effort, we can overcome all hardships. Another person's, I mean.
7. Any dud can be a dude if they know Euler's constant.
8. The only thing that sustains one through life is the consciousness of the immense inferiority of everybody else, and this is a feeling that I have always cultivated.
9. Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them more.
10. The grass may look greener on the other side, but that's just an illusion; they use Astro-Turf.
11. You can laugh now; I'll be laying you off in 20 years.

Know any more? Pm me. You know you want to.

And don't forgot to comment me before you leave...


My Musings...

Yay! More controversial things to read about. How fun!

All sorts of random junk that I spew every now and then when I am bored.


Viewing 4 of 4 comments.


Report | 11/12/2006 3:36 pm


Yay! My first 3 comments!!!
I feel so special... smile

Report | 11/04/2006 4:05 pm


LMAO. Um, thanks..
Baha yes.
How are you?

Report | 11/03/2006 2:34 pm


Its Nik from Americas Next Top Model, glad u like it
God of the Universe

Report | 10/30/2006 8:35 am

God of the Universe

Hello. Now bye.



Item List:
Chess Hat
Dark Cape
Devil Tail
Joker Wand white-black
Phoenix Circlet
Red Tie
Rustic Chess Pants
Rustic Chess Shirt
Rustic Chess Socks

Estimated Total: 5,250,417 Gold, 13,000 Tickets
(Estimated with known item values on 09 October 2006)

All donaters will be Noted and duly honored.
Please donate.

