
Fer sure, maybe.
Fer sure, not.

Fer sure, eh.
Fer sure , BOMB.

Let's see, now. You wanna know about me, eh?

Things that make me happy::
Knee high socks.
Salty foods.
Chocolate with almonds.
Fancy stuff with a modern twist. Top hats with a modern outfit, Lolita, etc.
Gay men.
Or rather, open minded people.
Live Free or Die Hard.
Agatha Christie's "And Then There Were None"
The movie Mind Hunters, that's eerily similar to "And then There Were None". The state of Philadelphia. Because of all the history stuff. Like the 60 year fire. And it's close to Roanoke. Stuff like that.

Things that make me tear up::
The story about Roanoke and Croatoan. Not the story, but the sentiment. Read Blue Bloods and Masquerade, it'll make more sense.
The Phantom of the Opera.
The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus's lyrics for Your Guardian Angel.
False hope.
My dad.

Things I don't like::
Religion extremists.
The color yellow.
Cell phone companies.
Being a chick -_-.
Overly-generous people.
Ignorant people.
My core body temperature. It never levels out.

I laugh because of::
Horror movies.
People who die from guilty pleasures. (eg Cigarettes, irresponsibility, etc).
People with no color coordination.
People who think they know everything.
The White Stripes song "My Doorbell".
'Sploding stuff.

Damn, I've been with Gaia for too long smile



OMG, it's stuff that you're prolly not gonna read!! Lyk nowai!!??



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Envy Sin Dreamous

Report | 03/07/2012 1:50 pm

Envy Sin Dreamous

the message i sent you is a link to the forum my friend started that has a youtube link to the movie that my friends and i are making, most of you of seen it already i think but idk so i sent it just in case. please watch it and comment and tell us what you think! ^_^

Report | 02/25/2012 2:52 pm


hi, Thanks for buying the heart pin from me. enjoy it and come back soon smile Thanks again smile smile
Sleepy Villain

Report | 12/23/2011 5:02 pm

Sleepy Villain

No! Your life must center SOLEY around chatting with ME!

Just kidding, I'm jealous you found something to do other than wasting time on this blasted site!
Merry Cherry Christmas~
And JIC, Happy new year!

Report | 12/02/2011 6:57 pm


OMG it's Rikki smile
Sleepy Villain

Report | 11/09/2011 12:59 pm

Sleepy Villain

Welcome back you!

Report | 12/15/2010 2:20 am


nice avi. I stared at it for atleast 45 seconds.. record breaking if you knew me.

ohh, that whole embolism thing, that would be one shitty day,xD
Envy Sin Dreamous

Report | 12/12/2010 11:03 am

Envy Sin Dreamous

-throws up glitter and confetti even though she hates it- HAPPY BIRTHDAY OKAA-SAN!!!!!!!! ^_^ Hope you have the most wicked and radical birthday known to man kind! -tries to dust the glitter and crap off her hands and stuff- heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart
BelaLugosi lives

Report | 11/29/2010 7:32 pm

BelaLugosi lives

You're welcome. It's pretty cool that you haven't updated your profile in a few years. Haha.
I just thought it was cool beacaus we have(or had?) a few things in common. I also like Phantom of the Opera I actually enjoy a lot of musicals.
BelaLugosi lives

Report | 11/28/2010 9:26 pm

BelaLugosi lives

Hey, you don't know meh, but I like your profile and about me. ^-^

Report | 11/27/2010 7:25 pm


Hey can you donate plz(:


>My worst fear<