The Music That Be

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My Little Self

Fizzyology's avatar

Registered: 04/14/2006

Gender: Female

Birthday: 07/03/1990

Occupation: Recording Live Action Yaoi


I felt like it was due time I changed my 'About Me''s been since 2006 that I've had the same intro paragraph and picture...heh. *HEADS UP* I'm leaving August 11th to go on a week and a half trip to Missouri! Hence why I won't be online :3

*WARNING!* I'm going through my friend's list, and cleaning it out, PM me if you still want to be friends :3

Anyways, I am Fizzyology, you might know me as Yumi-makai (my org Gaia name). I'm 20 years old (as of July 03 2010) which kind of makes me feel old...I'm married to Wolf-FollowerOfLight (June 20, 2009).

He is my Cuppy Cake :3

Currently we're living with my parents; we figured it would be smart to get all of our debt out of the way before we go looking for another place to live on our own (the last time we did that, there was too much stress trying to make ends meet with all our bills). It's cramped sure, and almost all of our things are in storage, but my parents are really saints for putting up with us; after all we're all crazy here ;3

No children yet, we're waiting till at least we're 25, because Wolf has a plan to have us financially stable and in a house by then and I trust he can do it :3

After our debt is gone, we're going to add a little more debt on us because I'm going to try for college!!! :3 I'm planning on Majoring as a sonogram technician and have a minor in Art and Design. I can't help it I love art...If I had my way I'd just major in Art...but it's hard to put food on the table for a (eventually) family of five (we want three kids!!) or more (I have about an 80% chance of getting twins ^-^; ) by selling artwork, and I'm not confident enough to think I'll ever be famous for my work, let alone a teacher of art...

...I can't think of anything else to say except I like a LOT of random stuff and I am in no way "Normal". Just a warning...heheheheheh

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heart heart heart


~DrEaM AvIs~

None at the moment :3


NOTE: It's been at least two years since I've updated this list, if you have recently made a donation or gift to me and your name isn't on the list, punch me in the arm with a PM and tell me what it was! :3

Tata Jesus is Bangala Charity for G-blade heart whee heart

SilverMoon28 for Felicia's Graceful Shoes and setting up a Quest page witch brought out the donation from the Tata Jesus is Bangala Charity heart heart heart

Sepheroth-cloudloveforeva for 1,000G and loads of flowers and trash. heart

omg_teh_cloud for 3,000G and loads of Ink and trash. heart

Hatrena for Cobra Headband, G-LOL Blue Gown and a March TY letter heart heart

the mother shadow for the Langer the Dragon Plush heart

Beastly Creature for Scruppers heart

Valentine for the Squid hat! (TLDR) heart x45

byakuyakuchki for a Sunako ^.^

Felicia Wolfang Shadow for Vampire Hunter Hat heart

KatouHimuri-chan for May 2008 TY letter, Egyptian Gold anklet Left, Egyptian Gold anklet right, and Egyptian gold armband heart heart heart x45.7

Sephiroth-cloudloveforeva (again) for July Birthstone Crown heart

Hatrena (again also lol) for Wonderland heart

Keeper of The Cheerios for Yellow Star Hair Pin. Cute! :3 heart

Kuro the Random for Epic Fail Hat lol heart

Aranael for Christian Siriano's Magenta Flow Gown heart

Beastly Creature For Let It Snow heart

LipinDrake for Plain Fluff Plushie heart

Rave Magic for the YHBT Hat heart


My Entries of Awesome

View Journal

Shitake Mushrooms

filled with random stuff via me. ex: fanfictions, pics, random info, blah blah blah

Comment if You Dare

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The Eternal Chronicler Report | 12/24/2014 9:52 am
The Eternal Chronicler
I see that "Recent Visitors" mark, Fizz >.> You don't get to hide =p
iPYGG Report | 06/06/2012 1:55 pm
cute cute avi :3
avatarkiller_1 Report | 07/23/2010 12:06 pm
love your avi xp
-Sexii Siren- Report | 07/15/2010 10:04 pm
-Sexii Siren-

random comment
Beastly Creature Report | 11/10/2009 10:20 pm
Beastly Creature
hi hi hi! Attempting to gain your attention here! =P I wuv you, Fizz, yay!
degobond Report | 11/05/2009 7:14 am
degobond Report | 11/04/2009 9:18 am
oh, you know, just a constant fight to keep what moral I have left from being murdered by my parents. My dad says, and I quote "You have offically gone from a complete pain in the a** to just being completely annoying."
degobond Report | 10/19/2009 3:35 pm
Hey there, Hows it going the Fizzy. Long time no see, I finally have a job now (took me long enough) so how are things goin?
Celidae Report | 07/03/2009 10:51 pm
Rawr, I stalk you. >w<
Jikanu Report | 07/03/2009 8:47 pm
Track 10 on your playlist is epic win.

Why yes, those ARE giant hammers in the background.

<--- Hammers are copyrighted by me by the way. I made those during my free time so don't steal D<