The Captain

CaptainStumbles's avatar

Last Login: 10/17/2023 10:38 am

Registered: 02/01/2006

Gender: Female

Birthday: 11/14

Occupation: Student/Artist/Pizza Factory

My Gaia Fags (LOL)

Dream Avi

Need to Fix My TekTek


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Bipytron Report | 10/29/2012 6:38 pm
I thought so too. I proved myself wrong. XP
Bipytron Report | 10/28/2012 10:57 pm
Skull 612 Report | 01/14/2012 5:36 pm
Skull 612
Oh...been a long time huh? ^^ I hope you've been well
Bipytron Report | 06/19/2011 10:25 pm

That is understandable lol.
Would be nice to talk to you more often though.
Bipytron Report | 06/19/2011 9:21 pm

-falls over from giant poke-
Daaaaang. Thats the biggest poke I've ever experianced.
Bipytron Report | 06/19/2011 8:50 pm

Bipytron Report | 11/14/2010 7:42 am
Happy Birthday!
ll DementedPixels ll Report | 05/22/2010 1:46 pm
ll DementedPixels ll
thanks for purchasing. and awesome playlist btw. The Pillows and FLCL are awesome.
Cassinidy Report | 05/11/2010 4:47 am
Thank You For Purchasing!
Come Again!
iwantmyanime Report | 04/25/2010 12:43 am
Your Bleachy profile is lovely~ :3


View Journal

Ivy's unravaling mind.

To hear ones thoughts is the true key in knowing how to minipulate.



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Character Name:

Character Age:
She looks about 22, but her real age is unknown. (She is still young in demon years)

Shape Shifter

Bisexual (That's Right! She likes both of best worlds.)

Character Gender:

Character Abilities:
She hasn't fought in many years so her true power is unknown. She has forgotten her past.

Character Likes:
Loud Music, Art, Pizza, Anything with Cheese, the Color Red

Character Dislikes:
Pop music and Crappy Rap, Cranberry Juice, the Color Pink, Fake Vampires

Character Bio:
She is half human and half raccoon demon. After a fatal fight many years ago, she had gotten amnesia and forgot everything about her past. Her true name is unknown, but she goes by Roxy. She is very spontaneous and outgoing. She's also completely blunt, so be prepared for the truth, even if you don't want it.

Every RP I make is a little part of me. Captain Stumbles is pretty much me in a nutshell. While Kittie is the sweet innocent and shy side of me. Roxy, on the other hand, is the side that usually scares off people. She's loud, rambunctious, outgoing, a bit blunt, and spontaneous. She's the life of the party. Hyper as hell and a bit ADHD. She's the one you want to be around to cheer you up. But she can piss you off. Not that she means to. She doesn't hate anyone. She stands at a full 6ft. tall and is a curvy gal. She has gray eyes, fair complexion, and black hair. When she was on her travels, she met a little mouse guy named Tea Tai. They were friends for quite awhile and they owned the Dragonfly Dreams Restaurant and Inn. But then things went wrong and Tea went his other way. She eventually meets Buckey and becomes best friends with him. They've traveled together for quite some time and are now the owners of the new Dragonfly. Oh, and she's my only bisexual character. Enjoy!

Captain Stumbles' Journal

Captain Stumbles is based on my personality. She has her ups and downs. She's a pirate, like me, and doesn't take crud from no one. Enjoy her main story!
User Image

Character Name:
Captain Stumbles

Character Age:
Looks about 23 years old (She is a full cat creature, so age varies.)

Cat Alien


Character Gender:

Character Abilities:
Powers: She has a cursed eye with powers that are still unknown. She can, however, control its healing and barrier properties.
Weapons: Throwing knives, cutlass, daggers, small explosives, her pistol, and blunderbuss.

Character Likes:
The color red, sailing, her pet Zero (A demon Imp that has powers of its own), RUM

Character Dislikes:
Unreasonable fighting, ignorant people, government

Character Bio:
Read her Journal to find out.

Journal Entry 1
It all started long ago when I was just a kitten. My father, you could say, was a pirate by trade. My mother, on the other hand, was more formal and had better upbringing. She was an explorer and archeologist. She loved treasure as much as my father, but did it in a more..... well not like father. Things though turned array. My father had gotten into a heap of trouble. The last I remember were guns shooting, bright lights, and then the sounds of leaving footsteps. My fathers war had followed him home. Both my father and mother did not make it for my mother had put me to bed before everything started.

After that day I was sent to be raised by my uncle Emmet. After my 18th birthday, however, I set sail to a far away planet to find the one's responsible and to start a new life.

Journal Entry 2
I began by living on my own. Of course it was completely rough and haggard. Just to live, I began to steal. Needing food and shelter, I came across a port. This was no normal port. It belonged to pirates. I thus enrolled myself into a crew. I went on many adventures with this crew none in which were significant nor did they include the search for my parents' murderers. I began to climb up the rank after a catastrophic event that brought the lost of our Captain's first mate. Once I became the new first mate, I began to find flaws in our Captain's plans. In fact, I came across the maps and plans that had caused our original first mate's death. I felt that our Captain's choices were way out of hand. I thus showed the crew my evidence and began the mutiny of our captain that ended with him left on a uncharted island on an unknown planet, well at least unknown to more upstanding creatures. I was then henceforth Captain Stumbles.

Journal Entry 3
I returned to the pirate port where I met this old coon. He offers me a job that would end in incredible riches. It's a job I wished I never took. The old coon wanted something, an old relic from a lost civilization on some swampy planet. I took my ship, The CB Zero, to this swampy far away planet. My crew said I was bonkers to take on a job from some old coon. When we reached our destination, they were all shaking out of their britches. So we began our search for this so-called relic of his. I found that this Swamp Island belonged to a voodoo tribe.

Well we were all captured. I didn't know what to do. I actually broke free, but I was knocked out by some mystical mist thrown from one of the tribe mates. When I awoke, my eye was gone. The Voodoo Priestess appeared before me and even though I didn't understand her language, she had soaked into my mind so that I knew what she said.

"You have trespassed onto our sacred lands
and thus must pay. Your eye has seen many
things, therefore its experience is now our
god's. Yet do not worry young kitten, you
shall have a new one, but it may not be
what you want. Be careful on how you choose."

In my ignorance, I chose their eye, instead of just leaving. I am now forever cursed with this eye. I am forever watched by their god. This is why I travel alone and take on off hand missions. Oh sorry Zero, you're right I travel with you.

Journal Entry 4
I am now on a planet called Gaia. Happened to find a nice bar to occasionally go to. Nice place. Caters to all kinds of creatures. For now I'll find a nice cave not far from the inn. Besides don't want to pull anyone into anything with this new mission I've taken in.

Journal Entry 5
Well Zero, my pet imp, and I had came back from finishing a mission. It was March 17, 2010, St. Patrick's Day. I sent Zero in to report back to our clients. She didn't return.

I spent the next three days with no sleep, out looking for her. The clients had moved from their previous home. Something was fishy, but I had no way to track her down. I was alone.

Then Skull came to me. He saw how sad I was and volunteered to find her. He's half Lycan and of course heightened senses came with his package. He found her in no time. Had to fight off a few guards and the main guy who seemed to be the one with the dark magic, which explained how they were even able to hold onto Zero since she can teleport. When they returned I healed Zero and celebrated her return with Skull by having a few drinks. I was happy again.

Journal Entry 6
I decided to get a job and a home away from home at the Mythical Creatures Nightclub and Inn. Skull worked there as a bouncer, so I saw him often. But soon my loneliness kicked back in. Sure I had Zero, but she can't talk nor love me like someone else could. I was down in the dumps again, but I held back.

Kittie Bell the Southern Gal

Kittie Bell is now getting a new story. Please stand by for an update.
User Image

Character Name:
Kittie Bell

Character Age:
Looks about 21 years old (She’s half cat demon. She’s lived many years, but is still young for a demon.)

Half Human/ Half Cat Demon


Character Gender:

Character Abilities:
Powers: Can shift into cat form (Regular and demonic), Has extreme reflexes, and Heightened Senses
Weapons: Claws and if medical tools are considered as weapons

Character Likes:
Artsy Stuff (like painting, drawing, jewelry making, etc.), violin and piano, fruit, pale yellow, sunflowers

Character Dislikes:
Fighting, hatred among others

Character Bio:
She lives a rich southern lifestyle. Her mother is human and her father was a cat demon. She has never met her father. Her mother’s side of the family owned a large plantation which made them very rich. She was waited on hand and foot. But quite frankly, she hates it. So she slipped out one night. She kept running until she came to the Mythical Creatures Nightclub and Inn. There was where her adventure began.

Journal Entry 1
I was born under a rich and upright family. Big deal! I never wanted it. I would have rather been born into a normal family with normal lives and normal jobs. Where the women would be workin', instead of bein' raised as a homebody. I have imagination. Talent runs through me. I need to get out of here.

Journal Entry 2
Well I did it! I slipped out. Well... durin' a ball at some gentleman's home. But I left! I am determined to get out and have some real fun. Hmmm.... what a quaint little bar. Maybe I can hide there for awhile.

Journal Entry 3
I met a couple, Zeek and Nanashi at the Mythical. They are so interestin'. The two don't seem to match up completely though. I hope everything ends up well.

Journal Enrty 4
Well Nana and Zeek are no longer together. In fact Zeek was a bit crazy. So Nana and I went and opened our own little place, The Ode to Darkness Pub and Inn. It's a quaint lil place, but I love workin there. It's my new home.

Journal Entry 5
Nana hired one of his sons to work at the Ode. He's a busboy.... a cute busboy. I don't know what to do or say to him. He's half Irish, love the accent he has too. OOOOOHHHHH, I don't know what to do.

Journal Entry 6
I had gone through a relationship with Paradox, Nana's son. Things however went sour. We weren't meant to be. But because of the problems that arose, I had to leave the Ode. I decided to travel for quite awhile, until I found a beautiful mansion. It was abandoned, so with my liquidations from the Ode, I bought the deed. I rebuilt it and painted it a beautiful sanguine color. This was my new home.

My Music!

Unable to identify Vimeo video URL.
Lord Buckey ONiel

Live Crazy, Kiss Slowly, Love Deeply, Die Happy!

I am the owner of the Mythical Creature Nightclub and Inn!