
Jackalope2's avatar

Last Login: 12/30/2023 8:24 pm

Registered: 01/30/2006

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My thoughts...

It's just my thoughts on sometimes random things.


Gnarls Barkley Anti-War parody- Bush and Cheney


Just random things I have found or made up... enjoy!

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Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?

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Time is money, and money is paper, so time is paper. If you go by that, 100 sheets of time should only cost me $1.

Ignorance is not bliss. It is the worst epidemic in American culture. Get educated, so we can truly show how beautiful America really is.

Knowledge is Power. Power corrupts. Study hard, be Evil. >=) twisted

If a person with multiple personalities threatens to kill himself is it considered a hostage situation?

If a pyromaniac burns to death, did he have fun?

If you try to fail and succeed, which have you really done?

"Talent hits a target no one else can hit; Genius hits a target no one else can see."

Be not afraid of going slowly, be only afraid of stopping totally.

Failure has a thousand explanations. Success doesn't need one.- Sir Alec Guiness

Resentment is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die. - Carrie Fisher

Trip over love, and you can get up: fall in love, and you fall forever.

Blackmail is so negative.... I prefer... Creative persuasion...

The buddy system is essential to your survival; it gives that enemy somebody else to shoot at!

Always remember you're unique....just like everyone else!

Death is just life's way of saying, "You're fired!"

Seen it all, done it all, can't remember most of it.

Don't count your passwords before they're hacked.

Duct tape is like the force. It has a light and dark side, and holds the universe together.

Chuck Norris has counted to infinity, twice.

Chuck Norris once attempted to entertain both black and white people at the same time. Within seconds he was owned by Wayne Brady. This is the first and only time Chuck Norris has been defeated at something.

I don't suffer from insanity. I enjoy every minute of it.

The proctologist called. They found your head.

There is only so far you can abuse the English language before any level of coherence is shot out the window and beaten repeatedly by angry nuns.

Everyone has a photographic memory... some just don't have any film.

Don't like my driving? Then quit watching me.

Sadly, some people are only alive because it's illegal to shoot them.

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View All Comments

Lady Lotus Honey Report | 07/09/2014 5:56 pm
:> how are you?
Lady Lotus Honey Report | 07/09/2014 5:54 pm
:> how are you?
Lady Lotus Honey Report | 07/09/2014 5:46 pm
Kallie12988 Report | 02/10/2011 6:03 pm

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For the members of the Why Not Guild.
Ninja Rin666 Report | 01/16/2011 9:24 pm
Your pictures heart
They chuck me into fits of uncontrollable laughter. rofl
25CentEntertainment Report | 11/22/2010 11:58 am
Thank you so much for buying,
I've been trying to sell that Jack's Autohack for forever. smile
The Name of the Rose Report | 09/10/2010 6:22 pm
You really are a jackalope now!
HDMI Report | 07/13/2010 10:48 pm
Not even gold and silver can

I dont know why but i was fiddling with the journal.. because i just subscribed to Lanzers... bahh... and i seen yours too... I dont know why im subscribed to your journal lol.
Just thought I'd let you know. haha

break the two of us...
ThatOneLingy Report | 04/29/2010 8:00 pm
I don't like talking in PM's.
Jade Ruby Report | 03/29/2010 4:31 pm
The day is going much better now... I reeeeeeally hope you've been well! *hugs and then steals all of the pics off of your profile and runs* BWARHARHARHAR! Ed is mine! *trips* XP