

Flowers of Midgar

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Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Miss Trickster

Report | 04/07/2011 3:29 pm

Miss Trickster

Thanks. o3o
You're gorgeous also. xD

Report | 12/22/2010 10:11 am


Oh, Iris. I miss you dearly. Please PM on my new main, Aerith Great Gospel, as soon as you can.

Report | 12/02/2010 12:39 pm


It's been forever... Which I'm sorry for.
I hope everything is well with you, doll.
Take care, and I hope I get to talk to you sometime.
Hugs, girlie.
Marlene Wallace VII

Report | 08/20/2010 2:09 pm

Marlene Wallace VII

Aerith <3
The Real Raijin

Report | 08/05/2010 6:40 pm

The Real Raijin

Nice Aerith Cosplay
Kat Killjoy

Report | 06/25/2010 4:20 pm

Kat Killjoy

Hello =)
CIoud Strifes

Report | 06/05/2010 12:07 pm

CIoud Strifes

Aerith How are you, its been while, I use to be Cloud J Strife if you can remember.

Report | 04/14/2010 10:14 pm


Hi Aerith ^_^

Report | 04/03/2010 8:51 pm


Awh.. *Pulls you into a tight hug.* I've been well. I can't wait to have internet again, I really miss you a lot. And I miss being Cloud. He was a huge part of me. But never you mind, I'll bring him back. I hope you've been well. smile I've thought about you a lot too.

Report | 04/03/2010 10:17 am


hey hun, long time no speak, how are you? you should get on msn sometime I got a lot more free time nowadays smile


"The difference between false memories and true ones is the same as for jewels: it is always the false ones that look the most real, the most brilliant." -Salvador Dali