Mr Alamad

Mr  Alamad's avatar

Last Login: 09/26/2018 8:48 pm

Registered: 11/28/2005

Gender: Male

Location: north carolina

Birthday: 04/17/1987


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ii_Skull_candii Report | 06/30/2011 5:49 am
Oh, by the way, sent you a facebook request smile
ii_Skull_candii Report | 06/30/2011 5:38 am
Nothing too crazy biggrin you?
Finished school, finished my exams, onto college biggrin
but before that I'm off to france for a few weeks smile and a week away with peoples in ireland, hoping to go for a couples days in london to, getting ready to go to Bon Jovi tonight too, the boyfriend got me a ticket smile so there's a load of us going to that smile
aon sceal? (irish for any news?) smile
LOLBYEFXCKTHIS Report | 06/21/2011 12:59 am
I'm doing fantabulous (: thanks for asking Jeramy!
It is now 8:58 right now and my last exam is at 9:30!! then, I HAVE FINISHED THE LEAVING CERT! WOOOOHH!
Damn spanish Dx Always the last exam. Lolol.
And me and John are now 2 years together as of May 25th!

How are you? How's everything going? I haven't spoken to you in forever Dx
ii_Skull_candii Report | 04/01/2011 5:26 pm
I really don't know yet :O
Can't wait though biggrin
Oh St. patricks days was epic :B
Irish style piss up!
ii_Skull_candii Report | 02/25/2011 4:47 pm
Only realised I had comments from you there, happy new year to you too :3
It's hilarious how much I used to go on Gaia, but coming back on it now? it's looking like one giant advertisement :s
Found out I going to America for a while, Florida, North Carolina, Tennessee and New York biggrin few months during the summer after school smile
LOLBYEFXCKTHIS Report | 12/23/2010 3:09 pm
-Impressed- Nice touch wink
Alrighty talk to you soon hopefully.
Buh-bye! <33
LOLBYEFXCKTHIS Report | 12/23/2010 2:59 pm
Yeah, Gaia is nothing but a yawnfest now.
ohh. Well I hope you have a good Christmas!
Well, My brother went to Australia last year and he is back now for christmas so I will be spending time with him and then going to john's dad's house for dinner.
I will hardly get to spend time with Alan (my brother) though, Cause he won't get the ******** out of the pub!
LOLBYEFXCKTHIS Report | 12/23/2010 2:47 pm
Yay! Lol I'm glad that I get to talk to you again. Gaia is pretty lonely lately. Almost everyone has left.
Haha yeah. The games are fun though. I have Diamond and heart gold on the DS. My team always kicks a**! Haha lol
What you doing for christmas?
LOLBYEFXCKTHIS Report | 12/23/2010 2:41 pm
That's awesome! How you getting on now? :3
I haven't been up to much. Been in and out of Dublin on the train with John, We found a shop that sells all manga stuff and all. I bought a whole load of pokemon cards. For nostalgia purposes. Lol. I miss my childhood! xD
LOLBYEFXCKTHIS Report | 12/23/2010 2:30 pm
Hello there my good man!
How are you?
God haven't seen you online in ages!

I'm the deputy