
I am a musician of many strengths and weaknesses. My focus and joy in life is singing. I have worked tirelessly to bring my vocal capabilities to a standard which I am happy with, only to raise the bar even higher for myself. Aside from my work in classical repertoire, I am just now coming to learn the beauty of jazz. I asked someone whom I care very much about to give me a tune to learn, and he did. "You Don't Know What Love Is" is a beautiful standard which I fell in love with before the track had finished.

The earth which we live on and abuse everyday is where I place my religion. I consider myself pagan because of this, and I have no real concern with what you think of me when I say that. I respect all life, be it plant or creature. You will probably never meet another person who feels guilty about killing a mosquito. I don't know if i believe in deities reigning over us, but should one or many exist, I know that gender wouldn't be applicable.

I believe that language, in its written and spoken forms, is a beautiful thing. It pains me that so much of our youth has been reduced "txt." I believe that reading levels are ridiculous and impose unnecessary limits to children's growth and intelligence, at least as much as gender biasing does to the infant psyche.

I am an anti-war activist, a member of the GLBT LIberation Network, and as a future teacher, active in protesting many of Chicago's "improvements." I believe that being visible and making your voice heard in peaceful manners such as these will ultimately cause the desired change to happen. I encourage anyone and everyone to stand up for what YOU believe in. Never be ashamed of what you believe. If you are, perhaps you should reevaluate why you believe it in the first place.

If you still want to talk to me, be willing to face your grammar being corrected and sarcasm that will not always be detectable.


Viewing 12 of 23 friends


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 09/13/2010 6:49 pm


no problem biggrin
Yukio Hayashi

Report | 09/13/2010 10:07 am

Yukio Hayashi

no prob thanx for selling biggrin i really needed it

Report | 09/11/2010 10:17 am


Thanks for donatin'

Report | 09/10/2010 3:59 am


She'ws been in the hospital twice since May. she's a little stronger this week, but she's never going to get better.

I just started swimming again this week. it took ages to recover from the big surgery, but the little one was no biggie.

I'm glad about the guy and terrible sorry about your grandmother. Better to catch it than not, and I hope it's benign.
Purple Sky Painter

Report | 09/05/2010 11:44 am

Purple Sky Painter

Thank you for buying <3
Pierced Pothead

Report | 09/04/2010 3:47 pm

Pierced Pothead

You're welcome even though now I am stuck with it.
ewwww xD

Report | 05/05/2010 12:56 am


it's been drama city. I've got two surgeries scheduled for this Summer and my mother was ill enough i had to fly back east for a while. i'm still recovering.

Report | 01/13/2010 3:56 am


RL is way more important than Gaia. No need to apologies.

Hildegarde's music is fascinating, not just for the musical qualities, but because it is an act of rebellion. She's basically thumbing her nose at the male authorities that had recently decreed chants couldn't use more than one C to c scale. her music is an act of defiance.

She was one of the last strong politically powerful Abbesses and her mystical/theological writings were extensive. She was an amazing woman, intelligent, learned, and subtly subversive.

Report | 01/05/2010 10:30 pm


Oh I did a forty page research project comparing the cases of several female mystics and the different ways the church handled them They had similar theological features and vision. I started out thinking it had to do entirely with tone, but I ended up thinking that subtle differences in their writings made certain of them more subversive, which added to the tone of the writing meant, say Margeritte Perotte was burned and Hildegarde von Bingen wasn't. It's complicated.

Report | 01/05/2010 4:07 pm


well, i'm learning how and it's not the instrument that's painful on the ears, it's who is playing it ^_^


~*~Music and singing have been my refuge.
And music, and singing shall be my light.~*~
-F. Ticheli