Random fan-made video!

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iDeduce Report | 02/27/2012 6:00 am
fixed it n_n
Currently questing a NSFW (nice suit for work) item
It's from the show Sherlock BBC which is my fav show though this item I swear is IMPOSSIBLE to get so annoying ><
Ultra venus Report | 02/04/2012 9:15 am
im trying to level my mule account ,if u wanna join me im at gold beach trying to smeb on brainclam ,username is giokg rofl
Final Lcie Report | 12/25/2011 4:54 pm
excuse me but can u lower the price of the soulfire gun?
G-Tenshi Report | 07/30/2011 2:19 pm
Your avi looks cool.
iFrIkInLuVyOu Report | 03/16/2011 7:57 pm
Aby! Long time no chat! I missed you! How's it going? Hey, know what? We should crew and head on out to Saw Mill again! 4laugh
Chuuki Maru Report | 02/19/2011 4:38 pm
Oh Aby! <333 Thank you so much for the birthday present!! <333 -hugs tight- You've made me so happy >w<
iFrIkInLuVyOu Report | 02/19/2011 1:34 pm
Thanks ;3 I'm trying to think of a new avi too . It's going to cost a lot ;P
iFrIkInLuVyOu Report | 02/19/2011 12:58 pm
Heeyy Aby ! Thanks for the crew earlier ! 4laugh Btw , nice avi ! mrgreen
XxSerenity HeartxX Report | 02/13/2011 5:04 pm
Thank you for the compliment~
JoelHenry22_22 Report | 12/30/2010 2:29 pm
your welcome Aby! mrgreen

Epic Gaians

Aby55l's avatar

Birthday: 07/20


I am a high-schooler in Simi Valley, California that struggles with satisfying my sugar-holic needs as well as competing with the percentiles my family produces.

Things I hate,
There's alot of things I hate but foremost:
Arrogance/Stubborness: the only thing worse than hitting a wall is doing it until you tip it over and hurt the people on the otherside.
Making promises...and dumping them on someonelse's lap.
Lying and cowardice, not ok under ANY circumstances.
Yes-men: I found one and sprinkled salt on it to see if it would dissolve. It did'nt, how unfortunate.
Opression: forcing other people to do work cause you had some bad rap only make's it worse.
Just don't be an arsehole and things will be fine

Things I like,
Tasties! Nothing makes my day like an cup o' tea and cake emotion_dowant .
Drawing: if there was ever a better way for expressing how you tick, this is it. Anime: whoever decided that a cartoon is reserved for children is right, cause this kid's in for extra recess.
A Good Day's work: Satisfying in seeing all you've done and being hungry for more.
Limits are an excuse for people who don't push them.

Sooo yeah, nothing much but then again did'nt have much to begin with so there's a Chat box ready for abuse on the side, ring me up and see where it goes~Ciao.


Why did the giant, terrifying lizard cross the road?

I will find a picture of baby-sloths snuggling eachother...IT WILL HAPPEN! Until then go to this thread and reap kitty rewards!

Chuuki Maru


Dam right

Rate for epicness!

*being to awesome to talk*