

Ah? An introduction? Well, sure! Of course I can do that. Heh heh. I mean if you're willing to actually listen then that's great. Let's see...where to start off at? ... Oh! ... My name's Naruto Uzumaki and I live in Konoha village. I've never had parents, but with the help of my teachers and friends I've become able to accept this fact. Not to say it was easy during the time I was growing up. I faced a lot of hardships and the worst part was the loneliness. It seemed like all the villagers hated me for some reason I could never understand. Of course, I know the reason now...but I'll save that information for later. Being alone is the worst feeling ever. I sometimes look back and wonder what I may have become if I hadn't been supported by Iruka-sensei. In that sense I was extremely fortunate. Not to mention he always bought me ramen...which is my favorite food! I used to pull pranks in the past to get attention, but I haven't done any since. For the most part.

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After graduating the Academy I joined Team 7, consisting of Sasuke Uchiha and Sakura Haruno. Kakashi-sensei was our master who always seemed to show up late for every meeting. Eh, well...he still does. To tell you the truth it can be kind of annoying. Not much has changed. Kakashi-sensei still likes those perverted books too...I don't get why since they're really boring. Anyway! Throughout the time I spent with Team 7 I grew wiser and became stronger. Along with this, I formed a very strong bond with someone in particular. Sasuke...he was like a brother. At first I thought of him as a rival, but deep down I could really connect to him. In fact, I kind of looked up to him. I never admitted that to him in the past. Sasuke and I had both experienced the same kind of loneliness and sadness while growing up. I later discovered my loneliness was due to the fact that I have the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox sealed inside of me. The villagers hated me for this reason because they were scared, could not understand, and didn't want to be involved with something foreign. Especially since that same demon had destroyed the village previously. Regardless, Sasuke still treated me like a moron, but I know that he actually really cared about me when push came to shove.

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Unfortunately, Sasuke always had the idea of revenge on his mind. He wanted to kill the man who massacred the entire Uchiha clan. That man was his brother Itachi. A freak named Orochimaru appeared and offered Sasuke power that he could use to defeat Itachi permanently. Of course, this meant Sasuke would have to leave Konoha and train with Orochimaru...succumbing to the path of revenge. Sasuke seemed to gradually change and drift away from Team 7 after that. No matter how hard Sakura and I tried to make him stay, nothing seemed to work. Then that fateful day came...the day that I had to fight him. I did want to fight Sasuke in the past...but not like this...I was just trying to keep him from leaving with Orochimaru! That b*****d! He stole Sasuke away and made it seem like he was the only source of hope. When Sasuke and I fought it ended horribly. I failed to bring him back to Konoha...after making the promise to Sakura that I would. However, that was lifetime promise, so I don't plan on giving up! I'm not only doing this for Sakura anymore. I'm doing this for everyone, but especially myself. He's the only person I've ever shared such a strong bond with. The best friend I never had. And the only person I'll ever consider a full-fledged brother.

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Things aren't looking too great though. It seems like Sasuke did finally kill his brother but there's a lot more to the story than just that. Now Sasuke plans on destroying Konoha entirely! ...I can't let that happen! There's gotta be a way to find peace...I promised Ero-sennin I would find that way. I still want to be Hokage, but if I have to die while stopping Sasuke then so be it. We can die together. I need to protect the village and everyone I love in it. I still have hope left for Sasuke. I won't give up no matter what! I'll take all the pain, the burdens, and the sorrow away from everyone. I will find a way to resurrect peace in my own way. That's my ninja way. Please, Sasuke...come to your senses! I can only wish for a happy ending.

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ஐ ஐ ஐ ஐ ஐ ஐ

Birthdate: October 10
Gender: Male
Age: Part I: 12-13
Part II: 15-16
Height: Part I: 145.3 cm-147.5 cm
Part II: 166 cm
Weight: Part I: 40.1 kg-40.6 kg
Part II: 50.9 kg
Blood type: B
Tailed Beast: Nine-Tailed Demon Fox (Forms)
Classification: Jinchūriki
Affiliation: Konohagakure
Mount Myōboku
Team: Team Kakashi
Sasuke Retrieval Team
Eight Man Squad
Team One (Anime only)
Clan: Uzumaki clan
Ninja Rank: Genin
Ninja Registration: 012607
Academy Grad. Age: 12
Nature Type: Wind Release (Affinity)

ஐ ஐ ஐ ஐ ஐ ஐ

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[[ Out of Character Things! Dattebayo!

-I am always in character or try to be. Sorry, but I have a lot of cosplay accounts and I love to Roleplay. So I do take it some what seriously. I do go OOC when necessary and use "(( ))". You'll know when I do it. Basically, don't automatically assume I'm being myself because I'm not. Don't worry, the person behind the avatar is all humor for the most part.
-Before you ask, no I will not do anything yaoi wise. I do not personally believe Naruto is gay and even if he was...why should it matter? He views Sasuke as a friend or brother not a lover. I'm sure if they had wanted gay sex it would have been done by now. Last time I checked he was still having wet dreams over Sakura as well.
-However, I do believe Sasuke and Naruto have a loving bond just not sexual. Sometimes love can go deeper than just "sex." neutral I wish people could see past that. Just because you want a character to be a certain way doesn't mean you should make them that way. Leave that crap for fanfiction stories.
-If you approach me with a Naruto character made yaoi-fied I'll still roleplay with you. Keep in mind I'm not having Naruto change solely for you though. He's gonna react how the normal Naruto would, which would most likely consist of him flipping out and not knowing what to do.
-Naruto haters can get out. Seriously. I used to avoid the fandom because of the Narutards too but that doesn't mean EVERY fan is like that. So don't make any assumptions, please. It only makes you look like an a**. a**UMPTIONS. Hurrr.
-Don't bash my fandom and I won't bash yours. Don't rag on it unless you try it. Oh, and english dub ruined all. Just sayin. I don't do any "BELIEVE IT," stuff either. Horrible...just horrible.
-I'm open to Roleplaying at any time. Feel free to contact me! Or comment on my profile. Don't be scared...I don't bite.
-I am often in cosplay town so you might find me there. Sometimes I change Naruto from his younger self to his older self. If you notice he's acting differently then that would be why. It really depends on what I feel like at the time.
-Do not claim I am "copying" your avatar. Hey, idiot! Guess what?! There's not many items on Gaia you can use to make Narutos look different. All people get the same idea eventually. Humans are humans...we think alike. Get over yourself. You're not "unique" or "individual." Naruto items are going to be pretty freaking similar. Deal with it.
-You do not look cool when you bash the Naruto fandom. You fail at trolling. If you don't like it then why the hell would you bother to approach it and continually harass people from it? I think someone has a secret obsession or past experience they don't want to admit of liking the show. TL;DR. Bashing =/= Cool. rolleyes
-I will never be able to have the million dollar ninja headband item. Don't bully me because I don't have it. I don't really give a damn. If I'm a good roleplayer and have fun, why should it matter if I have one less item? Unless you're willing to donate to me then I suggest you stfu.
-You just lost the game. ]]

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Viewing 12 of 150 friends



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 09/09/2012 10:53 pm


nice gaia naruto cosplay ever.. how nice... sweatdrop

Report | 06/19/2012 3:04 am


best naruto avatar ever
Cherry Blossom Impact

Report | 01/04/2012 1:14 am

Cherry Blossom Impact


Report | 09/29/2011 1:32 am



Report | 07/08/2011 12:14 pm


yeah its totally amazing <3
Cherry Blossom Impact

Report | 07/07/2011 9:48 am

Cherry Blossom Impact

Hm? Oh, nothing in particular.
Just saw you spacing out a bit, is all.
-She joined her hands together behind her back, leaning forward with a curious stare.-
What are you doing?
Cherry Blossom Impact

Report | 07/04/2011 2:40 am

Cherry Blossom Impact


Report | 06/16/2011 12:34 pm


hey how are you doing?! Amazing rasengan for your avi <3333

Report | 05/27/2011 11:33 pm


Sup Naruto.
Auction Angel

Report | 05/27/2011 7:11 pm

Auction Angel

*she smiled brightly as she gulped down the rest of her ramen. Thinking for a moment, she realized that her dream was far fetched... ever since she was deemed different..* ..Neh, Naruto-kun..? Do I seem....strange to you..?


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"Give up... on me giving up."

Donate for Ninja Headband?