About me

A little about myself here for those that would wish to know ya? Well to start off, behind this female avatar I am actually male. As to why I would do such a thing is simply because I can and I felt like doing so. Sorry to any of those I disappointed in being born a boy. We can still get along.

I am fifteen years of age. I'm a student that goes to school. I've got dreams to fulfill. Etc. In other words, I'm just another person you might meet passing by during your daily life.

I can relate to you in ways that I myself also enjoy music as any other kid. I write short stories and even draw a bit as well. I can be an idiot at times or a real intellectual. I enjoy reading and escaping into their world. Mostly fantasy books filled to the brim with lots of action and comedy. I also enjoy reading manga. Mainly ones that contain loads of harem. I'm naturally lazy by nature and I'd rather do nothing extraneous on my part. I'm a good kid and I also got my faults to go along with it. I've got no talent and anything I do have I've gotten through hard work. That even means this belly of mine. Ya, I'm a chubby kid who loves snacking.

If you ever need someone to talk to just for the heck of it or even just goof around then I'm there. I'm just that type of person.

I can keep going on and on. But there's no point giving out my life story. If you're a friend of mine then you'll learn along the way just a little more about me bit by bit.