
User ImageHello There!User Image


Name: Kyla

Age: 19

I like to drive with the windows down when I hear thunder in the distance.

I love to dance even though I really can't dance.

Brakes, for me, are completely optional.

Love, for me, is a necessity.

I am a theatre geek, a bookworm, an optimist, a closet rebel, a brunette, a short person, determined, passive, aggressive, complimentary, contradictory,
calm, hyper, exciting, boring, vengeful, caring, jealous, generous, selfish, strong, peaceful, violent, a strategist, a pacifist, a fighter, energetic, social, a hermit,
a dreamer, a believer, faithful, boy crazy, spiritual, a dog person, bisexual, hypocritical, cheerful, depressed, bitchy, a gossip, open, secretive, emotional, pathetic, naive, ditzy.

I am all of this and more.


Reality Check
Formspring Me!
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Trashed Angel

Have you ever heard of an angel that likes her vodka? ;D

It's a journal. What can I say? To be honest, I probably won't write much. XD



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 07/13/2012 10:14 pm


Thank you SO much for the huge donation to GIFT! I can't tell you how much I appreciate it and how much it'll help us out!! <3

Report | 07/12/2012 12:12 pm


Mwahahaha! >:3 Still asdklfjadslkfj Thanks so much ;w;

Report | 07/12/2012 5:51 am


klasdjflk Traaashed ;w; Why the amazing thiiiiing? -Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuugs- heart

Report | 11/15/2011 7:48 am


lolol trashed, last night I had a dream that my uncle was webcamming with someone and I was like "Oh, who are you webcamming with" and he said "My friend, Trashed" "YOU KNOW TRASHED!?! I LOVE TRASHED! LET ME SAY HI". And it was really you ahahaha. So how do you know my uncle anyway XD

Report | 08/24/2011 8:36 am


30 seconds to mars ROCKS!!!!!!!! Cool profile!!!
Corky Sugarmuscle

Report | 06/04/2011 1:14 pm

Corky Sugarmuscle

I second that emotion, love.
Packing is horrid. And I usually pack too much. lol.
But you'll get through it and be there in no time! : D
And then I'll be super jealous. Yuss.
Corky Sugarmuscle

Report | 06/02/2011 8:17 pm

Corky Sugarmuscle

That is an awesome opportunity. I'm so happy for you.
And I know you're psyched about it. You better bring me back...something London-y. Yes. lol.
I knooooow! I'm sorry I live in the craptastic South.
But I kinda lul'd because a friend of mine posted after you did and was like "Whaaa? --- I live there!" XD
Corky Sugarmuscle

Report | 06/02/2011 1:20 pm

Corky Sugarmuscle

Yea, I said the same thing. You popped up in my "suggested friends" list and I went, wtf?
But we are now. So all is solved. But what's this I hear about you going to London?
Without me?
I Captain Teemo

Report | 04/21/2011 10:14 am

I Captain Teemo


Report | 02/05/2011 10:00 am


awesome avi!! mrgreen