Darling Olivia

Darling Olivia's avatar

Last Login: 07/28/2015 10:07 am

Gender: Female

Birthday: 01/29


Sharon Carter/Peggy Carter

Original Characters
Kat DeConcordia
Olivia Casey


»Name→ Olivia (Liv) Casey

»Age Appearance→ 25

»Gender→ Female

»Relationship Status→ Single

»Sexual Orientation→ Straight

»Race→ Human

»Weight→ 110

»Height→ 5'6"

»Body→ Slim and toned

»Skin→ Pale

»Eye Color→ Green

»Hair Color→ Platinum lavender or off white

»Hair Length→Past her shoulders

»Personality→ Olivia is usually very forthright. Very objective and efficient, she takes her career very seriously. She will do whatever it takes to make her projects and exhibits successful. When she isn't working, she can be found out and about with her sketchbook journal where she places most of her thoughts, and primarily expresses herself.

»Character Traits→


-Likes→ Traveling, Art and History, Reading, Drawing, Strawberry cheesecake, Tattoos, Dancing

-Dislikes→ Stupidity, Laziness, Lying, impracticality, surprises

- Intellect
- Highly Efficient
- Flexibility
- Photo-realistic drawing capability


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