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wahmbulance ninja Legoiceking is the king of Alegeharia and the head of a secret group. He has currently one son, a resourfaced lost brother and most likely a dead wife. ninja wahmbulance

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Chp. 1 The Past 1439:
Legoiceking once lived in a quiet town where he could train in quietness and secretly train his werewolf skills.He trained everyday. The odd thing was that his muscles never showed. So in the end he never learned how to truly control his strength. This in the long run caused much trouble. Legos strength ended up being the talk of the town. Most people challenged him out of ignorance. This was a horrible mistake as each person who challenged him ended up going through the table. The spectators were happy but the guards and the head of the town did not. This caused lego to go to jail every now and then.

Legos Strength has also been of some help but not much. When he tries to cut a tree down he ends up cutting down 5. If he mines he ends up depleting it in 3 hours. With his strength and his werewolf powers also came with a darkside. This darkside is what gets him exiled from the town.

Legoicekings darkside is not something one would like to see. This side of lego is a side that is very easy to tap into for him. He does it every now and then without realizing it. This darkside is a side where even legos stare will kill a man. The darkness allows lego to tap into the devils domain. When he is in the darkness he is the reaper. He does not know what happens while in the darkness.

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Chp. 2 The Darkness 1545:
Lego woke up in his town to see 50 dead bodies. Some his friends others he did not know. Turns out half the town had tried to stop his rampage.The townsmen banished legoiceking. Lego wandered around the world trying to calm his inner demon. Nothing would work. Every other week Lego would lose all control and go on a darkness spree. Each town he visted a few days later he would be banished (for a few years) and go back into the world and try to find peace.

One day lego had made it to the foot of a mountain. At this foot was a town that had been sem deserted for fear of a person who is controlled by the darkness. In this town was more or less a renown sage. The sage sensing legos presence hired a few man to kidnap him. This proved fruitless, in the end though the sage was still visited by legoiceking. Legoiceking Had gone to the sage to wonder why he was foolish enough to try to kidnap him. The sage simply turned it around "It is you who is foolish.

I know why you have come here even though you dont". Puzzled by this lego indulged the old man and sat with him. "You seek what you can not obtain. You want to control what controls you. I can help you do this" said the old man. Lego who was amazed about the sages knowledge sat there in complete interest.

There is armor that can help you control the darkness in you. The old man had explained where to find this armor. With a detailed explanation of where to go and a handy map of this town;the town dreagvards, lego set off in the direction of the armor. This armor is an ancient armor that has unknown powers. This armors known power though is that it can control what the person desires.With this in mind lego tirelessly climbed up the mountain in hopes of finding the armor.

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chp 3. The Armor 1596:
Halfway up the mountain( and then some) lego had found to be what looked like weapons. Lego was not sure why anyone needed weapons. His answer came as soon as he finished his thought. See, This mountain was no ordinary mountain, It was a trials mountain. It tested who ever came up onto it. So, Lego who narrowly dodged the attack quickly grabbed up all the weapons around him.

Four specifc weapons were salvageable. A great sword, a sword, a dagger, and a crossbow. Which later turned out to bet a legendary set called dweliun the greatsword, Arend the sword, Vilkas the dagger, and pembunuh The Crossbow. Without knowing this however, Lego used them as regular weapons. Lego who had now gathered his senses realized that it was the corpse he saw earlier. Lego swung with full force expecting to kill the corpse and break the greatsword. To his surprise the sword did not break. After calming down from the fight lego figured a way to sheath and hold his new weapons. Lego continued up the mountain. About 3/4s up lego found his 2nd challenge.

This is the challenge that brought him to his kinghood and his country Alegeharia. This challenge tested his integrity. The first one was his courage. In this test he had 2 choices up ahead. Lego came by a women. A pretty lady. His choices? Leave the girl or bring her along.Lego chose to bring her along without thinking of the negatives.At the top of the mountain Lego had finally found the armors temple.

Inscribed on the walls was Dialoqueh, The Armor of the gods. As a lego approached the armor a voice started talking. Lego looked over to the lady to see if it was her, but it was not. The Voice clearly said "Legoiceking of the darkness from herein you are destined for greater things.

You are no longer of the darkness. You are now of the shadows."Lego who now fully reached the armor read the plaque."The Amor Dialoqueh is a special armor. It can help anyone control what they desire. This armor also has other special abilities. These abi-.....".Lego who was now ticked off seeing how the inscription cutoff took the armor and headed back down. (Arend is eagle in Afrikanns)
(Vilkas is wolf in lithuanian)
(pembunuh is assassin in Malay)

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Chp. 4 The Path to Kinghood: 1600s
A couple years later Legoiceking and now his girlfriend Alecia (this being the woman from the mountain.) had started their travel to her homeland. During this time lego had gotten to know the girl he had found. In the end he was happy that he decided to continue to follow and protect the girl. While they were walking and talking they had come upon a crossroad. The cross road had to options, to the enemy and to the girls kingdom.

As lego and Alecia walked through the path to the womans kingdom the way got more dangerous. "This is not the path I remember taking before." Said alecia. Hearing this lego responded "So danger doesnt follow you where you go." Alecia thinking about how she got lost in that mountain she said "Id like to think it didnt" lego simply stated"how did you get stuck on the mountain anyway?" Chuckling to herself alecia said"maybe later and shouldnt we worry about the-" Alecia was cut off before she could finish her sentence.

Lego had reflexively blocked the strangers attack just in time. Alecia who was stunned had fallen to the ground by the force of legos block. lego, who had some expierence with his greatsword, followed up with a parry that mad contact to a ligament on the attackers leg. This some how caused the stranger to disappear entirely. Lego was surprised by this and dropped his guard in confusion. The second one seeing his error charged at legoiceking. Lego who snapped out of just in time just barely managed to block the attack and parry to the waist. After the dust had settled, lego and Alecia started to run to the castle.

By the time they had reach the kingdom they found themselves in the middle of a battlefield. Alecia, without thinking charged past everyone and beamed straight for the castle. lego who saw this said"HEY WAIT... sigh so much for not having danger follow you around....".Lego had caught up to her after killing 50 different people and a captain and to find her crying at the site of the castle.

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Chp4 The Path to Kinghood pt.2:War:
The site of the castle, A castle that once held grand balls and partys. Hallways that would even impress the Chinese imperials. Lego having never seen the castle was still in shock. A castle is a sight of morality. A castle in shambles is the sight of war loss. Legoiceking new that Acelia accepted defeat. This did not stop her resolve.

"SOLDIERS OF ZIGRA HEAR YOUR PRINCESS! THIS WAR IS NOT OVER, NOT BY A FORMATION 5 AND SHOW NO MERCY" said Alecia. Lego who was in awe a bit by this but understood why. Lego was determined to also help out. "How can i help out?" said lego. Without looking at lego Alecia said " you can go to the frontlines oh and if you make it.... i will marry you despite the peoples whishes.Lego understood and went straight over to the frontlines.

At battlefield lego had many mini skirmishes. Lego had killed a captain from earlier. This did lower the enemys moral but not much. Lego figured if he killed enough of the higherups they could push back and regain their land back. So lego took the front and charged attack anyone who got in the way with his greatsword.

Finally he had reached the enemys boss. The king of the opposing forces, the one who had brought torment to the girl who loves him. This fueled him. Drove him to break off his armor and release the darkness. Upon releasing the darkness which the armor contained for years was in he end a good thing.

Lego under the influence of the darkness had grabbed the king in what looked like an arm. Since the darkness was contained for so long it blackened the sky around it, Lego turned into what looked like a gelatinous blob. A very evil blob but his friend soldiers stayed away and let lego unleash his dark powers on the enemy.

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Chp. 4 The Path to Kinghood part 3: Aftermath
After the fighting stopped legoiceking passed out. The soldiers quickly took this opportunity to re-armor legoiceking. As soon as the soldier put the armor back on the darkness dissipated and a blue sky and a bright sun gleaming on the blood of the enemy. The group Traveled with soldiers around them as secuirty untill they found what looked like a secure place. This place was at the base of a mountain that had a big enough opening for a cart or some sort of futuristic thingy.

The first things that was created after cleaning up the bodies was the town houses. Then the hospitals. A barracks was created and an engineers guild was put into effect. Since this new kingdom
was placed in a inlet of a mountain very few walls had to be put up and a grand gate was built int the two mountain sides as the entrance. "What do you want to name this new kingdom lego?" asked Alecia. "How bout Alegeharia?" lego asked. Alecia who liked it responded with "Sounds great!"

Many years later Alegeharia had grown to a stunning kingdom. The keep(castle) was once again stunning. Lego who found out 1 of the abilities of his armor(besides control). This ability granted him immortality and those he loves. So lego, his wife, and his son Isel live happily in the keep. The engineers guild has been creating new technology that is well beyond the 15th century. The futuristic thing is now a tank and other fancy things.
Alegeharia itself is a strong/secluded kingdom. This kingdom and its hard-battled ruler have it good for now. Lego and his lovely wife have had quite and adventure. What will happen in the future? what becomes of the wife?

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wahmbulance PEOPLE WHO WANT TO RP WITH ME READ THIS wahmbulance
This kingdom is a placed up and in between the mountains for defense. The Military has a strong presence and science high valued.Technology was very futuristic in this kingdom. Not only did Alegeharia have walls it had a plasma shield around it.The emblem of Alegeharia means that they are ready to defend and will attack if necessary.

Legoiceking himself is a headstrong person with fast reflexes and werewolf! he is a military genius, A person who can use any shadow to teleport and is silent when hes on a mission. He is the best assassin in his kingdom, He is a good mage, an excellent fighter can adapt to anything and his computer skills are un-matched.

The werewolf side of him has access to full and unlimited types of ice magic. He is a bit more rash and stronger. In wolf form he maintains most of his assassins skills and has a chance to be caught 25% of the time. Legos wife has been missing for some time.

Lego is reluctant to say she is dead as the law says. Lego searches at night for his wife when his senses are (obviously) heightened. But still, the rules are rules and lego during the day must search for a new wife.

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View All Comments

winkletwinkle Report | 02/02/2022 3:15 pm
amado120 Report | 01/09/2019 12:33 am
ahhhhh youll probably see this its been forever since i made this account dramallama
Caesars Legion Report | 07/26/2014 5:37 pm
Caesars Legion
Woah holy s**t. Very nice pro
Jinguji Ren Report | 06/20/2014 3:35 pm
Jinguji Ren

I apologize for leaving like that.
The lag was far too much.
Serkonos Report | 06/18/2014 3:14 pm
Hook's Cruelty is a really good item in the MP. I would check it out if I were you.
Serkonos Report | 06/18/2014 3:01 pm
I could easily give you about 50 mil if that would help any?
Serkonos Report | 06/18/2014 1:53 pm
You're starting to capture the essence of what an assassin is supposed to look like. Not that you already didn't. Finding the perfect items on Gaia can be hard. Good job on the outfit!
Nightval Report | 02/10/2014 1:59 pm
XD lol its ok! yeah, id rather not be. maybe someday but right now I want to be single rofl
Nightval Report | 02/09/2014 5:29 pm
lego, i thought i wasnt your wife. ._.
DOMMIN_GIRL_4EVR Report | 01/29/2014 11:17 am
Pleasure doing business with you biggrin


Legoiceking Furditore
Home: Alegeharia
Title: King of Alegeharia
Job: Master Assassin
Catch Phrase: Churr~
Likes: Hind paws, weapons and smoke bombs
Dislike: baths, muzzles, and rolled up newspapers


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