Wind Before Storm

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Birthday: 01/01

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Glass Tears

Glass Tears
Wind Before Storm

The sky was gray
The sun was gone.
I was cold,
And I was dead
Dead as in
I was cold and dead,
And was standing,
In the center
Of it all.
Of all the
Snow floating down,
Making no noise,
No sound
I had lifted my head
Wanting to be
To fly
With the doves
And soar
Across the dull
And laugh
A joyful laugh
Nothing like now,
And cry,
Cry without
Cry without
From the
I didn't want to cry
Glass tears,
That left no
Of who I
Happened to be
I wanted
To be free
I wanted
To soar
To cry real tears
To laugh, real laughs,
That showed
My personality
My own
I was not made of
Glass tears.

~Wind Before Storm


Shall I Spin a Tale or Two?

I am Wind Before Storm.
Yes, I am a roleplayer, so I might as well tell you my story...

When I was young, I was the only daughter my mother had given birth to. My ten older brothers all were proud, and hot-headed, and they teased me alot about how small I was, how little I was, how puny I was, and how I was just a girl.
Man years passed, and slowly, almost all my brothers died in battle. Only my second youngest brother, Jance, lived. He was actually the kindest. He wouldn't tease me AS much as the others, and would sometimes try to slip me some delicious pastries from the castle cooks.
Oh wait..did I mention I was royalty? Oh well, on with the story.
One day, my mother fell ill with some strange cough. My father ordered pyshcians from all the neighboring kingdoms to arrive and help my mother with her sickness.
During that time, my only brother dissapeared. He had been reported to be last seen riding his favorite chestnut steed on the road.
He never returned.
My mother got better after that, but never got his full strength back either.
The years past in peace, and my parents were searching for a suitor for me. I denied all princes.
By then, I was healthier; my mother had said that I was stretching into womanhood. I really didn't understand what she meant, and I still don't.
My father grew nervous; not only was his beloved queen growing with age...he had overheard news of entire cities slaughtered. Some dissapearing completly, with no blood, will others were massacured by the dozen.
His royal advisors did not what to make of it...

One year came and went, and peace and prosperity blossomed in my father's kingdom. He had practically forgotten about the slaughters and dissapearances. Then, it all went wrong one rainy, February morning.
My mother had fallen ill again, and my father was pacing in the throne room. I could do naught, but watch in despair.
There had been a loud knock on the throne room door. The guards had started shouting, and my father started bellowing back at them to shut their mouths so that my mother could sleep in peace.
I had stood up and was standing by my father, trying to keep him from unsheathing his sword.
In the struggle, he accidently stumbled forward, hand still on the blade, and fell to the floor. The sword slipped out of its sheath, and fell along with my father. Before I could give one breath, the doors burst open. I looked up, but saw no living person...only an empty hall that stretched far.
I helped my father up, and checked on the guards.
They were gone. Puzzled, I looked to my left and saw nothing, but when I looked to my right, I saw them...all dead. They all lay in a gruesome pile; one man's leg twitched. I screamed.
I ran to my father, starting to sob, but stopped dead.
My father sat on his royal throne, and my mother sat next to him on her throne. Their heads rolled disgustingly side the side, looking as if they had recently expired.
I stepped forward, hesitating for a moment, before breaking into a full, desperate run to my dead parents.
I saw no blood stains on them; my mother seemed to be smiling. I screamed. For a while, I tried to make them blink, not wanting to see their eyes shine with the gaze of the stars anymore, but tey did not wake. They did not breath, they did not speak.
I screamed. Again.

I had to decide what to do. Something inside me was telling me to run, and never return to this horror show, but I could not. Where was I to go anyways?
I was not skilled in any lengths of work, and I did not know many forms of self-defense, except for the old, kick-in-the-family-jewels-trick, but that wouldn't help much.

Thunder rumbled like a dragon's roar in the distance, and jagged streaks of lightning sent me jumping up in surprise.
I pulled at the collar of my velvet satin dress, whose hem was getting caught on many thorns and branches. I had already ripped off my silk gloves in digust, and had stomped them angrily into the muddy earth. After that scene, I ended up with a bruised shin, and broken shoe-heel.

I had walked through the forest, crossed the Hulan Hills an hour ago, and now, I was drowning in a river. Life was great.
Water rushed past me, pulling me farther and farther away from land.
I kicked uselesly against the tide, and had lost the loose stretch of cloth I had used to hold my hair up. My hands stretched up, trying to climb my way out of the water like a fool.
A tall wave threw me agaisnt the river floor...I never remembered what happened after that.

Cool, refreshing water splashed onto my face. I choked up a gush of water, and flipped open my eyes.
A boy around my age was helping me sit up; he held me in the crook of his arm...his face was kind...yet he spoke words I did not understand...

Time passed. The boy that had saved me had been a pirate. He had seen me drowning, and had jumped out of his ship to save me. He gave me bed, clothes, clean water, and food to get better.
He taught me the way of his language, and began to introduce me to the works of his ship, and his shipmates.

Three years. The boy was dead. He had been killed during a raid. I was now captain.

One year. All my shipmates were dead. I was alone.

Two weeks. I started a new journey into the unknown.

Five months. Here I am.

One month. I start a new life.

I am Wind Before Storm, and I have told you my story.
Do not think that you know all about me, now that I've given you a brief over view of my life.
And to those who think I am don't know. Not yet.

The following is a poem, written by Emily Dickson. It is, to me, a very important poem.

Emily Dickson

Hope is a thing with feathers,
That perches on the soul
And sings the tune-without the words
And never stops at all

And sweetest in the gale is heard;
And sore must be the storm
That could abash the little bird
That kept so many warm.

I've heard it in the chillest land,
And on the strangest sea;
Yet, never, in extremity,
It asked a crumb of me.

I have posted this in my journal, but for purposes to my own, I thought this would shed a bit a light on gloom.

This is my guild/forum on roleplaying.



I am the
I hunt
I track
You down
I see
Your smallest move
I run
Tearing up the ground
Behind me
I smell
Your fear
Your regret
Your pain.
I am close
The kill is done
I am the predator
I walk away
The game is over
A pain stirs
The ground spins
Everything goes dark
All I can hear
Are voices
Of triumph
And human
The game is truely over
I am the prey.



View Journal

Storm's Journal

In here, is poetry, thoughts, and everything I wish to compose.


View All Comments

Aerith Kitsune Report | 02/06/2010 4:40 pm
Aerith Kitsune
Well O_O I was going to say "random hello from a random person" but instead I'm gonna say... WOW! I adore your profile background! >W<
rock llord clay Report | 01/04/2010 10:40 am
rock llord clay
hellohellohello motomotomoto
-Myst Sadakichi- Report | 12/26/2009 11:46 am
-Myst Sadakichi-
You too!! ^ ^
TenshiXoXoKitties Report | 12/26/2009 11:14 am
"And the same to you mt dearest friend" Tenshi replied back with a smile
D M U L E B Report | 12/23/2009 5:54 pm
"Miss.." he tipped his hat slightly. "This is merely a mule until my real account gets unhacked." He sighed, shaking his head at the ignorance shown in that one comment..
Xx Larius Devoncroix xX Report | 12/22/2009 4:00 pm
Xx Larius  Devoncroix xX
npp so whats a beutiful girl like you doing lol
Xx Larius Devoncroix xX Report | 12/22/2009 3:51 pm
Xx Larius  Devoncroix xX
lol im running out of gold too its sad *crys and smiles* but hey you look beutiful just that your sword is a bit scary lol
-Myst Sadakichi- Report | 12/22/2009 3:42 pm
-Myst Sadakichi-
"Ah, well them, it's still a pleasure to meet you."
-Myst Sadakichi- Report | 12/22/2009 3:36 pm
-Myst Sadakichi-
Smiling, Callisto bows her head a little bit, giggling.
"Greetings to you as well. Heh, it's a pleasure to meet
you. Hm, which town did you see me in?"
TenshiXoXoKitties Report | 12/22/2009 2:45 pm
XD Nice. Sorry if I don't reply much,I'm with a friend at the moment,and she needs my comp.

I am Wind Before Storm

My name is Wind Before Storm. I am a wanderer, a rebel, a warrior, and an former, exiled princess.


Where shall fate lead you? Let's see...