
xXSoulXShadowXx's avatar

Birthday: 01/07

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Smexii_Britt888 Report | 03/13/2010 11:22 am
thx 4 buyin


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plz plz help


The truth!!

emo doesn't mean u cut.
emo doesn't mean ur gay.
emo doesn't mean ur suicidal.
emo is real.
emo is people.
emo is everything.
emo is a label.
emo is being free.
free to be you.
free to express.
free to tell everyone to f*** off!!
emo is just a word.-EMOS-
*Are not cry babies
*Do not always wear black
*Can be very nice people
*Don't always cut themselves
*Are not always depressed
*Can be happy too
*Are normal people just like you
(Put this on your profile if you agree with this.) User Image
Elegant anagra

95% of teenagers would panic if the Jonas Brothers,Miley Cyrus, or Justin Bieber were about to jump off a 100 foot building.Copy and paste this if you were the other 5% that would bring popcorn and invite friends and yell jump, please jump!!!