
pitdog741's avatar

Last Login: 10/27/2009 1:25 pm

Registered: 10/13/2009

Gender: Male

Birthday: 11/07

Occupation: Chef


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Hi Kewl ppl, my name is Dylan and thats all you need to know wbout that. I am in college and majoring in culinary arts, which mean I am going to be a chef eventually. I have a girlfriend and she is the love of my life and when i get done with college I am going to ask her to marry me. Well I love Techno music and really anything energetic. I am a very happy, hyper, crazy, funny, and an all around good guy. I can get along with just about anyone. I can help ppl through some problems in life and just talk to them to calm them down too. So if you would like to be my friend just send me a request and ill talk to you im not shy, and i wont bite *much*.

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khidd Report | 10/20/2009 5:10 pm
Hey hey!!!


You need to go into towns or the rally
and make more friends!

I can be a boring person and annoying at times
so you need someone else other than me as a friend!

So you don't have to be stuck chatting with me all the time.



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The Chef's holy trinity is Mirepoix!!