
WolfBloodKnight's avatar

Birthday: 09/28



(In weird half Dutch, half Who-Knows-What accent)

Hallo and welkomenn to my home page.
I am your host *cough* *HACK!* Ugh...
(In normal voice) Ow, I think I strained somethin'.. *POP* Craaackkkk~~
Ahh-- much better. Okay, Welcome to my..uh..page. Yeah, anyway.

I am Wolf Blood Knight, I am an artist(drawing and 3D models), big Naruto fan, though not the obsessive or "Yugi-Oh! It!" type, gaming addict, namely RPGs and RTS, and medieval and fuedal era enthusiast.
Also Classical Europe, i.e. Pride and Prejudice era type stuff. And yes, even though I am a man, I do watch Pride and Prejudice, and The Court Jester, and Singing In The Rain, and just about any other Danny Kaye or MGM musical movie.
Which, in case you're wondering, I have only gone to the theater to watch animated films for the last couple of years. Although I did see The Incredible Hulk and The Dark Knight. Which is funny, because I can't stand comic books, at least not by Marvel or DC, though I do prefer DC over Marvel. I don't like superheroes, they're freaky, not "scary" freaky but just "weird and lame" freaky.

Anywhosen, (I am Scotts-Irish German, so I have a tendency to make Dutchish sounding words up) if any one knows of where any really cool weapons or armor or cloaks/robes/hoods for my avatar can be found, please let me know.
Or if you have something like that you no longer want, feel free to donate, if that's legal on Gaia. I am not to familiar with the "buy, sell, trade" details. Also, if you can and do intend to donate, please PM me first so I know what you intend to give away. That way, I'm not getting dupes of stuff and you know wether you should just trash it or put it on the marketplace.

Thanks for dropping by and have a good day, and keep Gaia going. Ciao.

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