
Six things to know about Me~!

Number One

My name is Sarah! I'm Fifteen and currently in highschool :]. I live in Florida, and go to Chiles High~! First off, before you read the rest if your a hater I got a little something to say deary :]
GET THE ******** OFF MAH PAGE b***h
There! : ], now anyway if your not a hater, please enjoy my page ^.^

Number Two

Okay~! First I'm going to start off with my friends and family, and well origin!
So my father's name is John, while my Mom's name is Kimberly!
I don't wish to give mah last name cause I don't want anyone stalking mah >w>. My besties' names are: Shannon and Amber :].
Shannon has a gaia, but Amber doesn't.
Well she DID, but that story is for another time : ].
Oh! I also have a younger brother named Clayton =.=.
: ], Euhm excuse me ^.^.
I'm VERY distantly related to the native Indians. : P Koolie right?
NO?!?!? D; Baww~!
Oh well! :], anyway my great great great great great great great great great great great great,etc. grandfather signed the decleration of Independance.
Now THAT'S gotta be kewl RIGGHHT????

Number Three

Did you read the second one? Really?? Okay good!
Now, the next thing I just KNOW you'll want to know about me, is how I look : P.
I have dark, almost black hair which is very, I mean VERY curled. I usually always have it in a bun. My hair,when down, usually goes right below my shoulder blades. I have brown eyes. They have dots in them too! : D. I know your so jealous! Anyway, I'm 5'1 And way about, 130lbs? Idk I havn't checked >w<.
My skin is naturally lightly tanned :]. And when I'm in the sun very long, my hair tends to start turning light brown or a dark blonde at the tips.

Number Four

Wow, can't believe you made is this far~! owo. You deserve a prize~! Not from me though >w>.
So I wanna talk about mah favorite things. First off, I LOVE tacos : ]. I could live on tacos!. Now, I love to watch T.v. My favorite show would have to be Spongebob Square Pants. Leave me alone okay! D:. I also live for horror movies xP. I also love swimming. Everyday, rain or shine I'm in my pool at some point!
I'm VERY random, and love shouting for no reason. At school I'm always wearing a hoodie, and with Amber I run around with the hoodie over my head screaming, "BATMAAAAAN!" Yes : ]. I also like to sing the murf song in the lunch line : D. Anyway, I also love sports. Soccer and football are mah game! I'm not one of those buff creapy lesbians though D:. I don't have anything against gays..unless their abnormally strong .w. .
I've sprained both my wrists in football, and sprained both ankles and broke a toe playing soccer. Yea I'm a HARDCORE b***h >].
I also love the computer :]. Without it I would be nothing D:.
My favorite sites are: Gaiaonline, Quizilla, Youtube, Photobucket, and Gmail! My email is IsabellaRenee94@gmail.com : ].
I love music and dancing : ]. Even if I suck at it >o>.

Number Five]

So you've gotten then far hmm, young paduwa? >w> Master Ching Chang has trained you well!
Okay, I shall talk about my favorite classes. : ].
First off, my classes go like this:
: ], yea I know I take a low Math class, I just HATE math! But my teacher is awesome, so I'm learning stuff all over again : ].
Hope-Pe is just a class about like health and stuff like that =.=. We watches Super Size me [For me it was the second time]. It was nasty! You know the one where the guy eats nothing but McDonald's? Yea!
English is my ABSOLUTE favorite subject! I've always had a thing for reading and writing! Ms.Jordan is the best teacher ever. : ]. I'm the top of the class ^.^. So yes, it's mah fav. : ].
Theatre Tech. =.= Dear god I would of rather taken spanish than that class! Half the time I have not a friggin clue what the ******** I'm doing! D:, As long as I pass I'm fine. Next year I'm taking drama though > : O.
Criminal Justice is pretty kool : ]. Mr. Tomaini used to be a police officer. While everyone say it's boring I find it interesting.
I've always had a thing for the law xP.
Algebra is probably the best math class I've ever had! : ].
Enough said.
Science, it's pretty good except there's a lot of deliquents in there. I try to stay on the teacher's good side : ]. Ms. Sherry is pretty kewl : ].

Number Six

If you've made it this far, you are indeed one brave soul~!
The last thing I'm gonna talk about is what kinda 'girl' I am. I'm not a prep first of all. If anyone labled me as a prep, I'd kill them >w>. I'm not a slut, whore, etc. I'm going to wait till marraige to have that babeh ; ]. I'm not jock persay. I'm not that stupid : P, no offense. I'm not goth, I smile remember? : ]. I'm not 'emo'. Nobody really is emo. Because there's no lable such as emo, its a ******** music genre people! =.=. But if you do consider yourself 'emo' I think your completly absorbed with yourself and need to get your head out of your a**. Stop being so sad for yourself, and look at the people around you! People suffer everyday, and you don't see them 'cutting' theirselves. So please get the ******** over yourself : ].
ANYWAY! I'm.....
Yes that is me! :]. I love sports, I scream batman in the hallways, I create the most randomest pictures, I crack jokes and throw fries at people, and if you get in my way your going DOOOOWWWWN!
: ],
Thank you for reading!

I remember you told me you'd always be there for me. And you lied. But guess what, you can't call me immature, call me an idiot, say that your other ex-girlfriends were nice while I was mean. But guess what hun? Nobody said I was nice : ], and hun Karama's a ******** b***h!~Me

Picture Time : ]

User Image
Me[brown haired girl], Shannon[Blonde girl], and my brother[boy] : ]
User Image
Amber~! : ] Bestie ILY girl~! [She was fixing to hit a volleyball >o<]
I'll add more when I get more : ]



The Ultimate Funny-ness of my life : ]

Dun Dun Dun~~~!

Okay, so not only will I write about my day, but also maybe little awesomely awesome stories : ].



Viewing 9 of 9 comments.


Report | 10/16/2009 4:26 pm


nice av

Report | 10/16/2009 4:08 pm


thanks fer buying

Report | 10/16/2009 3:21 pm


thx for the purchase

Report | 10/16/2009 2:58 pm


how much will u go down on the fairy wings?

Report | 09/29/2009 12:43 pm


thanks for buying :p
User Doesnt Exist

Report | 09/29/2009 12:25 pm

User Doesnt Exist

ty 4 buying.
Dark Angel359

Report | 09/24/2009 2:58 pm

Dark Angel359

You avi looks even cooler now. biggrin

Report | 09/22/2009 2:14 pm


thanks for buying!!!

Report | 09/21/2009 4:38 pm


Love the avi. biggrin


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