Deimos Euterpe: Terror Delight

Deimos Euterpe's avatar

Last Login: 06/25/2020 12:01 pm

Birthday: 11/26

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I think it's time to update this silly thing...

HI! I'm Alyx!

I think I can actually say that The Boondock saints is by far one of my most favorite movies I have ever seen and if they don't make a third one I may as well sit in a corner and cry for a week...

Person wise, I'm in track and field so you could say I'm athletic. I'm a movie-holic: I go see all the new ones that come out every Friday, just about, and watch all the ones I missed either pay-per view or buy them razz To just name a few of the ones I adore [other than the obvious]:

-Pitch Black
-The Chronicles of Riddick
-The Expendables
-The A-Team
-All Disney and Pixar Films [must I name them all?]
-Van Helsing [I can quote the damn thing xD]
-Tron: Legacy
-Lord of the Rings Trilogy
-The Hangover
-Due Date
-Iron Man 1&2
-O, Brother Where Art Thou?
-Spider Man 2 [only that one...]
-The Pianist [sad movie..]
-All Resident Evil's
-Ocean's 11, 12, & 13
-Avatar [NOT the last Airbender...]
-Star Trek
-Star Wars Movies [Despite how cheesy they were]
-And many, many more-

A Few of my favorite Music Artists:

-Three days Grace
-Tran-Siberian Orchestra
-Frank Sinatra
-James Taylor
-Led Zeppelin
-Stevie Ray Vaughn
-Sonata Arctica
-Dream Theater
-Most Movie soundtracks...
[And, of Course, many many more]

And Last but not least, Video Games.
To say the least, if you've heard of it, I've most likely played it.
But as of now, i'm really looking forward to the release of Dead Space 2 heart

So! If you have anything to ask of me, please do! Just don't ask for money, cause that's just not cool.

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Wisco Report | 08/04/2012 10:59 pm
I have no idea. sweatdrop
Their profile is private and they have the list disabled. I'm guessing a lot of tattoos, some sort of skin... um... more tattoo-like things... and some jewelry stuff? xD

And, yeah. I think it happened around the time I first tried to come back to Gaia. Gloves couldn't layer like that anymore? Fairly certain that flustered me and I left again.
I got over that, though.
Wisco Report | 08/04/2012 8:14 pm
Well, like a pair of longer gloves+medical gloves/spartan gloves/spirited gloves/the sparkly Michael Jackson glove used to layer together... now you can only wear one or the other D:
And seriously--torso layering can get out of hand. I've stuck so much junk on top of my current just by the invo-search bar that it seems so unrealistic... but it all layers and I get baffled.
And then there's people who make avatars like this that just boggle my mind: User Image
Wisco Report | 08/04/2012 5:03 pm
I've become terrible with layers now. sweatdrop It seems like you can just keep adding and adding things on, especially in the torso area. Hands, on the other hand, are lacking now since you can't wear two sets of gloves anymore D:
Wisco Report | 08/04/2012 2:41 pm
I'd just go look at TekTek, though they haven't been as up-to-date as they usually are.
And no, I haven't yet. I probably should, though. Only problem is having a parking spot near my dorm when I return from work. sweatdrop
Wisco Report | 08/04/2012 1:41 pm
I even tried for a job on Campus for when I go back to school, but no luck there, either >_>

And I've been selling stuff on here, too. Parts of me just want to have one avatar that I can add stuff onto for whatever season it is... And it's starting to seem like this one, since it's simple enough that I could probably get art for it if I wanted to. xD I've also been wanting to buy a Cash card or so to get a few things on here... but then another part of me just says that it's a bad idea. xD
Wisco Report | 08/04/2012 1:33 pm
In all honesty, my summer's been pretty dull Dx
I tried applying everywhere on the Square (except restaurants) and a few other places around town, but nothing >_>
I get the feeling I'm going to have to cave and work food service at some point.
Wisco Report | 08/04/2012 9:29 am
Understandable-- I, too, have the app on my iPod. Even if I didn't do anything, I'd still get the Daily Chance on there.
And sexy tans? Nice. cool Can't say I've managed to get one of those xD
My summer's been pretty uneventful. Tried my hand at job searching, but it didn't end well. >_>
Wisco Report | 08/03/2012 9:52 pm
So did I!!!
I actually just got back on a couple days ago!
How have you been?
Mindbreak Report | 02/26/2011 2:20 am
so how are you?
I'll reply to your PMs as soon as I'm done with those stupid
math problems..
I HATE THEM...can't they solve themselves?
Mindbreak Report | 02/23/2011 1:25 am

God wow it's been ages for real...