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Honestly, I don't log onto Gaia alot, but when I do I can never seem to log off. I'll spend hours playing cards, checking out the avatar arena, wandering the Gaia towns trying to figure out how to get a home of my own (seriously, message me and tell me how, I can not find help anywhere!). One of my favorite activites is trying to edit this profile though. I would love to get it featured, but even if it doesn't (I really doubt it will), I'm really liking how it's looking. But this is supposed to be more about me isn't it?

Name: Skylar Gray (alias)
Proffesion: Student/mininum wage laborer
Favorite movie: The Pink Panther starring Peter Seller (none of this Steve Martin crap!)
Favorite book: The Princess Bride
Favorite Manga: Fruits Basket (I know, I know... me and, like, a million others. But there is good reason for that! It's awesome!)
Favorite Anime: Tsubasa Chronicle
Favorite Video Game: Morrowind
Ummmm.... Favorite... Cheese? (I'm starting to run out of favorites!): Cheese cake of course!


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Wedensday With Skicheat

Every Wedensday I'll log onto Gaia and empty my brain for the entertainment of anyone who decides to read it. Topics will range to what's on T.V. , the weather and anything else that I think of.


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Aly-Hoeun Report | 08/04/2007 10:01 pm
Hmm, cheese cake is good! But what kind? there are so many to choose from! New York style, raspberry, chocolate...Yum Yum!! oh, and try chewing on a block or parmesan, it's really good!...not that I'd know or anything. Cool profile!
blackout581 Report | 08/01/2007 6:50 am
hey whats up, it was nice talking to u earlier
nofatchicks07 Report | 07/31/2007 11:57 pm
hey, i'll pm you
