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Mia Fey
綾里 千尋

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Hello, Im Mia Fey, Ex Owner of my own Law Firm.
Now owned by the best defense attorney, Phoenix Wright.
I decided to become a Defense Attorney after my mother disappeared.
I started my work in Marvin Grossberg's Law Office, then made my own firm.
I was Murdered by a Blackmailer, but I can still keep in touch with Phoenix
with Maya and Pearl's channeling abilities. I help Mentor him in the most
Difficult and Desperate times.

((I Roleplay as Mia, but I tend to go OOC.
I have played all 3 AA razz W games.
As well as AA:AJ and AAI:ME.
Cosplayers are welcomed to comment below.))
* Whats your Case? *
_Comment Here_

I am the Offical Mia Fey Cosplay//Roleplay of Gaia.
Stealing is a Crime against the Law.
Being a Lawyer, I will NOT stand for it!
I'll see you in the Court Room!