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Rabid Hampters Report | 06/25/2010 6:15 pm
Rabid Hampters
I like your avi and your profile. Wanna be friends? biggrin
iiz_Karlahhz_iiz Report | 06/21/2010 1:52 pm
Planeswalker Kyuubi Report | 06/12/2010 12:17 am
Planeswalker Kyuubi
i'll do what i can biggrin
Planeswalker Kyuubi Report | 06/08/2010 8:02 pm
Planeswalker Kyuubi
ahhh i see, tht sux
Planeswalker Kyuubi Report | 06/06/2010 3:25 pm
Planeswalker Kyuubi
why is you nekkid?? lol
xXiiCookie_LoverXx Report | 05/01/2010 2:43 pm
lil angel ili Report | 04/13/2010 6:52 am
lil angel ili
GUESS WHAT?.... Once you start reading this you can not stop or something very bad will happen to you(what happen to me). I am 10 years old i died today at 11:00.I was hit by a car.I have very many scars. I am invisible so you can not see me!!If you dont post this on 10 statuses you will die in the middle of the night tonight!!!If you dont do this you will die!!!YOUR DEATH TIME STARTS
lil angel ili Report | 04/13/2010 6:51 am
lil angel ili
nothin much u ...
x-iiTeddyHugs Report | 04/12/2010 7:34 pm
jazmine my grace (kissy mark thingy)
i need it plz ];
xx-M a r i a h M Report | 03/28/2010 10:41 pm
xx-M a r i a h M
GUESS WHAT?.... Once you start reading this you can not stop or something very bad will happen to you(what happen to me). I am 10 years old i died today at 11:00.I was hit by a car.I have very many scars. I am invisible so you can not see me!!If you dont post this on 10 statuses you will die in the middle of the night tonight!!!If you dont do this you will die!!!YOUR DEATH TIME STARTS

mai xia

mai xia's avatar

Birthday: 04/27

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