
Red_eyed_dreamer's avatar


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true love--rootbeer Report | 01/04/2012 1:40 pm
true love--rootbeer
yeps yeps yeps! 3nodding okays I posted in house and in park razz
true love--rootbeer Report | 01/04/2012 1:34 pm
true love--rootbeer
yeps yeps yeps! 3nodding okays I posted in house and in park razz
true love--rootbeer Report | 01/04/2012 1:25 pm
true love--rootbeer
the one in sweet dreams room razz newest one who comments in violet wif really small font size razz
true love--rootbeer Report | 01/03/2012 10:12 am
true love--rootbeer
Should we remove the Slightly SaneHatter person or whatever from our Role Play? he hasnt posted in such a long lime, and I dont think he understnda BBC Code neutral
oh, and I guess the one character has multiple personalities... this is gonna be very entertaining twisted
true love--rootbeer Report | 12/28/2011 6:55 pm
true love--rootbeer
i love you too xD and i know, i replied blaugh
true love--rootbeer Report | 12/28/2011 6:42 pm
true love--rootbeer
hate* oops... so much for that threat sweatdrop
true love--rootbeer Report | 12/28/2011 6:41 pm
true love--rootbeer
i posted in house!... and I swear if you dont get rid of al the "i ahte myself" stuff on your profile... you dont wanna know what I plan on doing!!! twisted
true love--rootbeer Report | 07/01/2011 11:15 pm
true love--rootbeer
well, i'm not dead... does that answer your question... and ajz a jerkface and that really sucks that you still have that stupid thing!
true love--rootbeer Report | 07/01/2011 10:43 pm
true love--rootbeer
ok!! how have you been? still have to wear that thinggy on your leg?
true love--rootbeer Report | 07/01/2011 9:26 pm
true love--rootbeer



Through me the way into the suffering city.
Through me the way to the eternal pain.
Through me the way that runs among the lost.
Justice urged on my high artificer;
My maker was divine authority-
The highest wisdom, and the primal love.
Before me nothing but eternal things were made,
And I endure eternally.
~Abandon every hope, ye who enter here~

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Name: Whats it to you?
Age: 17
Sign: Virgo
Your element: Earth
Traditional Virgo Traits: Modest and shy Meticulous and reliable Practical and diligent
Darker traits: Fussy and a worrier Overcritical and harsh Perfectionist and conservative
Intelligent and analytical
Your ruling planets: Mercury
Your stone: Sapphire
Life Pursuit: To do the right thing
Vibration: Compassionate and caring
Virgo's Secret Desire: To love and be loved in return
Virgos are often put down badly by many astrologers and written up as being fussy and narrow-minded. But when a Virgo shines, there is practically no sign to match their inner light. An in-tune Virgo is a treat to meet. When a Virgo is confident within themselves they are the most successful, structured and creative of all the signs. Creative and sensitive, Virgos are delicate people who, like rare and special orchids, require individual treatment to fully blossom into their true unique beauty. Shy, they are happy to allow others to take centre-stage and often generate their time and energy into making those they love happy or successful.
People I would die for/in the place of: Rhys, Quinn, my dad, my neice, my step-sister, Chris, Robbie, Cowboy
My "Family":Rhys (brother), Mira (sister), Cloud(sister/ father), Jayde (sister), Darth ( brother), Chris (my love/ uncle), Cowboy (my bestie), Emily (my sister/ uncle), Tifa ((Jason) Mother)

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Other sites you could find me on: you want to see some of my wirtings or drawing I have a few on here.
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I do Avi and chibi art. Pm me if your intrested. ninja

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true love--rootbeer

My BEST friend in the world. XD

This guy is truly awsome. I know I can trust him no matter what. The best friend I ever have and ever will make, in rl or on the com. I love him to death (as a brother of corse)and hope to one day see him in rl.

This girl is just so kool I dont know what Id do with out her as a friend. She is too funny and I love her to death. *hugzz* XD

My truly awsome best friend in rl. I love her to death. She is one of my few true friends. ^^

This is the only person thats been able to stand me for longer than a year. Best friends sence forth grade, she is the trust friend ive got and is always there when I need her. Lov ya! :)