xXxBeautiful InsanityxXx

xXxBeautiful InsanityxXx's avatar

Last Login: 12/20/2009 2:15 am

Gender: Female

Birthday: 02/03


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stella hondatohru Report | 12/12/2013 8:40 pm
stella hondatohru
Hi there, it's been awhile, how are you pal? hope your ok. miss you. smile
DX_Gizmo_PR Report | 05/13/2012 11:36 am
Hey, I don't know if you remember me, Im Legend z0, this is my older original account, I forgot the password of the other one XD anyways I hope your alright take care
turtztarr Report | 08/23/2009 7:41 pm
lol ur family messed up? mines even more insane. my sister was complaining of being bullied at skul for still being a virgin at 14 and this weekend, went to her first party only to get incredulously smashed and lose her virginity to someone she does not know and does not sodding remember! and on top of that, she has all these hickies on her neck that look like blooody attack bruises! sheeesh. and then my parent is going insane bout her and s**t and they dunno bout her doing this but shes been doing real bad at skul so dads contemplatin sending her to boarding but is worried bout the emotional effects it might have on her. im currently on holidays. thankgod. however, i can never get to sleeep cuz theres bloody builders and painters every sodding where and one of them keeps STARRING at me!!!!! he scares me.. looks like the scary ****** kind.. except cant be a ****** cuz by law im legal. gahhhhh. okay see, things are semi-messed up here too. hahah major hookup? more like.. not a hookup.. just some.. random thing thats going on?
iBlair rochellee Report | 08/22/2009 7:01 pm
iBlair rochellee
Hey there. Nice page
turtztarr Report | 08/16/2009 5:07 pm
hahaha its the same ex for everything razz
its 12.07pm right now.
i kinda just got up half an hour ago.
sheesh, im bad.
turtztarr Report | 08/16/2009 5:13 am
hahaha well.. im in a rushed moment atm so ill try make this quick.
my ex came down to see me this weekend. it was amazing. and yeah we're working our way back towards being with each other.
like he's changed and stuffs so he's trying to prove to me that he has and that he really wants to be with me and its really sweet.
uuummm.. and yeah, it was quite the rocking weekend. his mate from school is going out wit my best friend so they're gonna make frequent trips down and its really cute. i miss him already. but i go home for the holidays in like.. five days lol so i get two weeks to spend with him.
and then him coming down too. so cute. anyways, i better rush off nowww... hope you have a good day lololol
turtztarr Report | 08/12/2009 5:32 am
haha love life? well its complicated, lets jus say. a whole long messed up story.
hahaha yes i know i meet the awesomest guys.
i love the grunny boy! and i met this guy on here and we used to PM all the time
but then he decided to train in the US ARMY and then he said he'd write me letters.. i didnt expect to hear from him
but two days ago i got a letter from him in the mail! it was incredible!
i was so shocked. it was sooo cute though and nice to hear from him. hes so lovely.
haha imagine living in cavemen times... dinosaurs roaming the earth..
heard of the movie YEAR ONE? cant wait for it to come out. just really wanna watcch it!! it looks funny as.
hahaha start a gaia farm with the different sorts im accumulating!
ahh its 12.32am and i have class at 11 tmrw. hmm. gay class. i hate uni.
kill me now. razz
turtztarr Report | 08/11/2009 8:17 pm
oh wow havent u been a busy busy one!
thunderstorm? s**t that'd be scaryy!!
hhehehe lol cant be trusted wit matches? well sounds quite like me actually
hmmm.. new high school? scary! but im sure ud fit right in lol
ahh my hands are cold.
and i hate uni..

just putting tat out there!
turtztarr Report | 08/07/2009 5:33 pm
hey stranger!
havent heard from you in a while,
was gonna get really worried!
nothing much ayyy..
just cant wait for uni to be over! grrr.
howv u been?
turtztarr Report | 07/16/2009 3:51 am
lol im suffering from hatedness/sadness feelingz.. well, i dunno.. i suppose its normal but i cant help but feel like its not normal.. i dunno.. im kinda neurotic. thats true, life without drama sucks!


Ro: Hello

Jo: Hi

Ro: I'm changing the picture theme earlier. It's been storming a bit here lately so, this time around I'm doing...


Jo: Why can't I ever choose the theme?

Ro: Because it's my profile.

Jo: So?

Ro: So, just by losing that damn bet I had to put up pictures of Hollister models *shivers in disgust* Use your own profile.

Jo: But I never go on my account.

Ro: Then maybe you should start to.

Jo: ...I don't have the attention span.

Ro: Maybe you can choose next time around...

Jo: Yay!

Ro: But! You'll have to tell me what your choice is first. I'm not having you put any, pretty flowers or any happy elf, tra lala crap.

Jo: Okay *Thinks* How about twilight-,

Ro: Not you too!

Jo: What?

Ro: No.

Jo: But what about-,

Ro: No.

Jo: Just-,

Ro: No.

Jo: Fine! *Thinks* Celebrities?

Ro: ...Okay, I guess that wouldn't do any harm. You and your Pop Culture obsessed mind.

Jo: Thank you. *Drools* Channing Tatum.

Ro: Dear God. *Shuts Jo's mouth* Your lack of hormonal restraint is revolting.

Jo: Like you don't think he's amazingly gorgeous and *drools* muscular.

Ro: Nope.

Jo: *Crosses arms and stares at Ro*

Ro: What?

Jo: Don't lie to me.

Ro: I'm not.

Jo: You know, saying yes won't be screwing over your emo life-style. Just saying.

Ro: Oh why must you use titles on me? *Rubs temple* I thought we didn't go by titles.

Jo: THAT'S BESIDES THE POINT. Back to discussing Channing Tatum's gorgeousness.

Ro: Whatever...

Jo: So you admit he's hot.

Ro: ...

Jo: Oh yeah, you admit it! I'm rubbing off on you.

Ro: Shut up! And for my sake, let's hope not.

Jo: *Stares at Ro smiling*

Ro: What?!

Jo: I love you. *Hugs Ro*

Ro: Dear God, you are too happy for me. I swear, put you under an X-Ray and we'll find rainbows and unicorns.

Jo: You know you like it.

Ro: ...Go kick a soccer ball, Prep.

Jo: Are you in one of your dark moods today? Because you're not all random crazy today.

Ro: *Growls*

Jo: I'll take that as a yes. *Exits the room slowly*

*Sighs* I'm Ro by the way if you haven't guessed.

Now the Basics...

Favorite Movies/Anime -

Right now my top 5 are:

Juno - I suggest you see it, its REALLY good.

The Invisible - Which my friend got me into.

Coraline - I don't care if you think it's a kid movie. It's by Tim Burton, and its really good too. Of course its by Tim Burton, I say again.

The Dark Knight - Twisted and Dark, I love it.

Gran Torrino - Don't know why, but I though it was a good movie.

Favorite TV Shows -

I have two younger siblings...I don't get to see anything besides, Spongebob and iCarly.

Favorite Reads (books/comics/manga/etc.) -

Top 5 are:

I've read too many to have favorites. I read anything Fantasy and Romance. Sometimes Thrillers, but it depends.

Favorite Music/Bands -

Top 5 are:

Tokio Hotel - Newest favorite, foreign and amazingly least, that's my opinion.

Flyleaf - That girl can scream...

Paramore - Very talented group.

The Classic Crime - Love these guys!

Kings of Leon - In love with the singer's voice.

Hobbies/Interests -

Umm, I'm a writer so obviously I write. Reading is something I do 24/7. There are only three things I can't live without in the world. And those are Shoes, Sunglasses and Cars. I love Cars, seriously I'll go watch one of my guy friends work in his garage instead of going to the mall with one of my girl friends. Yeah, some give me weird stares when I tell them that. Music is my life! I am not exaggerating when I say this. I lost my iPod for a week, I almost died. No joke. I hang with friends when I can. But I'm usually taking care of my sibs, so I don't have time for it. Why? Huh, maybe if you get to be a good enough friend I'll tell you my story some time.

So I guess that sums me up. So add me, PM me, comment me. I'm an extremely friendly person and seriously if you make me laugh or smile, I automatically like you. I'm not a hard person to please. Whether that's good or bad, I'm still trying to figure out.



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