Rocket Grunt and Zubat

Rocket Grunt and Zubat's avatar

Birthday: 03/01

The Rocket Uniform

List of things to steal



Mua ha ha ha! Welcome, little Gaian, to my secret Rocket lair!


Shh, don't tell them it's under that suspicious poster in the casino! ...They just heard that, didn't they?


Well, as long as you're here, might as well tell you a bit about our fine criminal institution. *Ahem*

We are Team Rocket, the few, the fine, the proud! Our goal is to capture and steal all the world's rare Pokemon, and use them to take over the world! Let us recite our great oath:

Steal Pokemon for profit.

Exploit Pokemon for profit.

All Pokemon exist for the glory of Team Rocket!


Oh right, and we're anonymous gift givers. But that doesn't make us any less evil!


Yes Zubat, we keep our true identity secret for the sake of our organization. Who knows when you pass by my real identity and never know the truth... that I am actually a part of the nefarious Team Rocket?! ...Exciting, isn't it?


Now then, if introductions are over, let us be off, Zubat! We have schemes to plot!


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TempusBliss Report | 07/20/2012 12:40 am
I'm here to say that you got a cool avi.

Team Rocket Theme- Unova

Team Rocket Theme- Classic
