"I just hope I can change little by little...like everyone else does."

I'm assuming that because you're here on my profile that you'd like to know just who I am, right?
sicKpandaH is what I go by. If you know my real name, good for you, I'm not announcing it on here any longer.
My interests are video games, reading, writing, and anything Alice in wonderland related -- obviously.
I fear reflection – mirrors have the worst impact on me. Any body of water larger than myself. And falling -- once I'm at the top, I'm perfectly fine.
I currently work in Point of Sales at a local grocery store, and I'm an Author. I do have a book out, and am currently working on another one – that, to be honest, I have higher hopes for.

I have an opinion on just about everything, and if you want to hear them on anything, just ask.



Made by Tsumi
Although I don't know if she's active any longer. I'll always keep this around. It was incredible for her to make it for me.

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Avatar Art
I'm not going to lie, I don't remember who made most of these, since my Photobucket told me to go eff myself. They're basically all from 8+ years ago though.

100th Random Huggle!~
Created by: Aiko Katserugi
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Don't have the avatars saved anymore – I don't know why, I really liked them.
I'm also the one on the left of the couple photos from when I was dating I Come With Knives:
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Comments on this layout looked choppy, so I removed them.
For those of you who really insist on commenting me.