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EshidakuHasPants's avatar

Last Login: 03/07/2022 1:28 pm


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The Eshidaku

Hmmm.... What to say... I'm a drama free teenager type artist (yes it's an oxymoronic statement, but it's mostly true)... and I'm not a social butterfly...that's about it... I'm a pretty normal kid.

I've bought my first art work! Yay!

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A Penny For Your Thoughts

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Eshis Rose Report | 05/05/2012 4:04 pm
Eshis Rose
cool avi
SoulZenith Report | 08/09/2010 8:06 am
Hello, I realize that your profile says you haven't been around since June, but I was wondering what was going on with your art shop, and thought I'd post here in case you return.
I ordered art in May, and I am canceling the trade, I love your work, but this time period for waiting is ridiculous. IF you ever come around again, perhaps we could do business.

Hope all is well,
HTDM Guild Report | 08/23/2009 2:51 pm
HTDM Guild
To donate, send a trade to this account. 3nodding
hitrizdl Report | 08/22/2009 1:06 pm
MY CUZIN DITCHED ME! Ha no...but you went soemwhere cool withoutme....hmp! *sticks tounge out but quicly stops.* i tihnk i rmeber you saying ifi did that again you'd cut it off...? 8whimpers* i'd like to keep it thank you...oh right other than being evil (like not taking my quiz) hows it been? you back yet? you still on for the insult contest! cuz im winning, see watch! smell....ha, beat that! sweatdrop of you could just read the thing on my face book! 110 comment all random done by me cuz i was bored! oh and i have a hack of alot of free time. oh hey u listne to ur voice mails? i leave songs on them when im done talking! y? idk, just tryin to do sometihng diffrent. well let me know if ur ever on. got some questions concernig school, art, random, quiz, basic, and a secret! so if you want ot hear them u got to try to get on once in a while! oh how much of The Last Tategami do you have? the beging is very gorey...yes we've established tihs, but not when he's thinking back aobut Kira, then onces thats done i wrote alot more! oh and addeda few bits around the story! like ty's horse can talk now. he's over 3-400 years old. gtg, little sis being brat...hmm...i wodner if somhow cuz she got it from u and rachel, oh which i'd like you to say hey to my partner in crime! yes, team 'mess with candice' is almost complete! ...i'll think of a better name. bye! (i cant it in jap cuase i cant spell it...heh)
hitrizdl Report | 08/07/2009 12:15 pm
J-jake died!? But i loved that old fuz ball! ....well eveyone else is fine? (animals included, thank you)
hitrizdl Report | 08/02/2009 12:08 am
man cuz, you sure have an awesome lay out! ...did you read The Last Tategami yet? Well!? *grins* relax, i'll wait a couple years beofre i ask again, just in case. well, it's still looking like a no win situation for me staying this year, but i swear i'll try! oh and tell rachel i said hey and aunt sherri, oh and uncle buba, burce, olive and jake (if that old cats still kicking).
Ookitty_catoO Report | 07/09/2009 1:02 pm
Sorry i g2g ill send the art to you tmr (: i need to get some sleep
million_dollar_gurl Report | 06/30/2009 11:17 pm
its ok, i couldn't really figure it out sorta!!!
XxHailstorm-Gin-HeroinexX Report | 06/30/2009 6:53 pm
Your welcome. 3nodding
iiPoptartzz Report | 06/30/2009 4:06 pm
lol. sounds dangerous.

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Heya, if you think the price needs to be lower, pm me... but keep it within reason please


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