
"Beauty is a manifestation of secret natural laws, which otherwise would have been hidden from us forever."

My name is Bernadette. Call me Bernie. Woopie.
Im a teenager, a British teenager.
Adores her friends, has an odd obsession with cheese, enjoys the rain and the cold side of the pillow.
My life can be pretty boring. But most of the time I'm either entertaining someone by falling over my own feet, or getting my hair colour all wrong. Then regretting it the next day. Meh.

I like Bows. Being random is the best thing in the world, and I'm not a fan of cleaning.. or anything that involves me moving to be honest. (:

I like alot of music, it varies from Less Than Jake to Katy Perry. The Feline species rocks my socks and I think babies are pretty darn cute. Most of the time.
Lets see, I like anime, but i don't watch a wide variety. Chobits and Love Hina are probably my favourites.
I can somehow always imagine Chii saying "Cheeeese" instead of "Chiiii". Lolness.


Comment and Pm.
And if you want to donate towards my Chyaku Norisu Scarf, I would love you forever! <33

Bernie. x
