Angrboda Ereshkigal

Angrboda Ereshkigal's avatar

Gender: Female

Birthday: 07/29


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MWA HA HA HA HA!! If you are reading this, then you have found my online domain within the realm of Gaia. I am Ereshkigal Nin-gala the Queen of the Dead and the Judge of the Damned. I reside within the realm below Hell known as Irkalla where the souls reside who make it past Hell. Ask me more about the Underworld anytime and I shall tell you to the best of my ability. Another thing is that my sister Innana is whom you usually call Hannah now. However, you may also know her as Sigyn. Yes, I am not just Ereshkigal but also Angrboda, she who strikes fear in the hearts of even the bravest of men, and whose name means "She who makes warriors weep." I love all of my husbands, but I cherish one you should know quite well. Loki the trickster, or as you know him now as Claude Faustus. Yes, he is also my sister's husband but he loves both of us dearly. Also, I love having him at my thrown to terrify any who dares think to threaten my family. For some reason, just because he is a spider, they soil themselves and run away crying or even screaming. Good times.

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Loke Laufeyjarson Report | 12/07/2012 10:32 pm
Loke Laufeyjarson
You are quite the woman, Angrboda. As beautiful as you are terrifying. heart
Decoding Shadows Report | 08/10/2011 10:49 pm
Decoding Shadows
Thanks for buying (:
Layla Oleander Report | 08/03/2011 4:44 pm
Layla Oleander
Oh~! Okay I was thinking "Do I know her..? Did we go to school together? Or did I just get in a conversation with her?~"
Thanks for clearing that one up~
Layla Oleander Report | 08/03/2011 8:16 am
Layla Oleander
Excuse me, why did you send me a friend request..?
Lillyen Whitefire Report | 08/02/2011 12:00 am
Lillyen Whitefire
I have some spare gold that I am just blowing on crap right now and I really like the idea of helping someone reach a goal.
Lillyen Whitefire Report | 08/01/2011 11:57 pm
Lillyen Whitefire
Thank you for selling at a lower price than everyone else. and for that if you tell me how much the 2% they took off I will give it back to you.
The Her0 Link Report | 02/15/2011 5:37 pm
The Her0 Link
Indeed it does. Nice job.

The Her0 Link Report | 02/15/2011 5:25 pm
The Her0 Link
The Her0 Link Report | 02/15/2011 5:15 am
The Her0 Link
Ah I see. Well thank you kindly for your assistance.. I guess I should call you sister?

The Her0 Link Report | 02/14/2011 3:48 pm
The Her0 Link
*Is tackled*


What is that Spider you have called?
... =o


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