
Player name/nickname(Your User ID): Hanae Mae

Name: Hanae Mae Kino

Age: 8

Weight: 77lbs

Height: 4'9"

Birth Date: December 10th

Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius

Hair Color: Light brown

Eye Color: Green

General Body Description: Petite fair, and frail

Place of Origin (where do you come from?): Jupiter's Empire, Earth

Personality: Rebellious, tough, wise, strong, strong-willed, and brave

Phobia: Mice, heights

Favorite Food: Spaghetti and PB&J sandwiches

Favorite Color: Green

Other Favorites: Gymnastics

Dislikes: Bullies

Strengths: Athletic

Weaknesses (Physical): Elbows and knees

Weaknesses (Element): Fire

Senshi/Knight Title: Sailor Carme (Jupiter's moon)

Element of Influence: Wood

Planet/Star (Origin): Jupiter

Gemstone (What Gem is on his/her outfit?): Emerald

Henshin Item: Flower brooch

Transformation Phrase: "Flower Prism Power! Makeup!"

Transformation (what does it look like?): Similar to her mother's.

Fuku/Outfit: Mainly white fuku with black bow and heels. Green bracelets in place of gloves with a pink flower in her hair.

Looks (does he/she look physically different when he/she transforms?): None

Attacks (limited to 3, give names and full descriptions): "Stun Spores Surround!" - Spores form a circle then blast away at the enemy. It can either put the enemy to sleep or paralyze them.

Weapon (this is along the lines of a dagger or something similar; the use
of your body as a weapon is separate. Limited to 2): None

Guardian (limited to 1): None

~Background~ Hanae aka Sailor Dryad came about in the wintry month of December. Her first and middle name combined means "The blossom in May. Her first name alone means blossom and her middle name alone means the Month of May. She wanted to be like her mother and have the element thunder. Instead she contains the element wood. For everything else, she's almost like her mother in other ways. Hanae can cook like her mom. She's always following her mom in the kitchen helping out with dinner. And she's also good in the garden just like her mom. She's tough too like her mom but she does happen to get into a lot of trouble when she's not careful. Unlike her friends, she's more tomboyish than girly-girl. She loves the outdoors and sports. In the Jupiter Empire her true home, she's captain of her Junior Soccer Team. She's has an older half-sister named Houou who she looks up to too. Hanae's best friend is Shizuka aka Sailor Heart. Her friendship with Shizuka is just like her mother's friendship with Minako.