

Comments are always welcome.~ C;

      About me.~

My name is DeCre. That's all you're going to find out. I like playing video games, but I suck a first person shooters. I'll stick to RPGs, thank you. I don't have an X-Box of any sort, in fact, the only gaming system that I use is a PS2. It's hard to find good games for it, anymore. Le sigh.

Anywhoodles, I suppose you may have figured out that I'm a girl. But I really don't act like one. Except in a few special cases. I mean, I like wearing skirts and makeup and all, but as far as mannerisms go, I'm as boyish as you get without actually being male.

I'm a total Trekkie. I love anything having to do with Star Trek, but only the good series: The Original Series. Next Generation is alright, when I'm in the mood. But the others make me want to tear out my eyes. I love all of the movies – even the Generation ones – and the new one was very, very good. I still love the Voyage Home the best, and Spock's 'colorful metaphors.'

I have many pet peeves, a lot of them being about the Japanese language, like spelling/grammar and pronunciation of things. Like, how you don't pluralize anime and manga. You read a lot of different manga, not a lot of different mangas. And it's not pronounced mango, and it's not pronounced nico, and it's not pronounced Sakoora. I'M SORRY. People just bother me.

ANYway, I'm into writing. Honestly, it's all I do anymore. xD If there's ever a time that I'm not writing, I'm either playing a videogame or reading. (I have no life. -shot-)

And, I'll be going now. I have to toast Larxene. >DDDDDD
Toodles.~ <3