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__//x About Me

I'm a girl, fascinating huh? |o|
My real name is Milena, though I prefer to be called Muffin. |x|
My birthday is June 17. |o|
I'm in 10th grade, 15 years old. |x|
I've been on gaia for 3 years. |o|
March 2nd is my gaiananiversary |o|
My background is Serbian. |x|
I live in Canada. |o|
I like pineapples 8D! |x|
If you see me alone or you first met me, I may seem really shy. Specially|o| if you meet me in real life (I think I'm more open to people online xD! ) After you get to know me you see can see I can be really weird, most of the times funny(I never seem to make good jokes though, but you can laugh at my lame jokes xD! ), and just fun to be with and open :3! If you're ever with me on towns you'd see how I can get xD! I can have normal conversations if I want to <3! But I choose not too. So there. =)!

__//x Dislikes

|o| When my songs on limewire wont download ;_;
|x| Winter. I hate the ******** cold.
|o| Liars and back stabbers.
|x| People who think highly of themselves.
|o| Doing chores.
|x| Studying.
|o| My glasses.
|x| Orders.
|o| Sweating.
|x| Animal abuse.
|o| Pimples.
|x| War and Fighting (Keep the peace people <3 )
|o| Sneezing
|x| Taking the bus home (I can't stand on it, I always end up falling D:! )
|o| When there's no one on during the day and I'm as bored as hell
|x|When some of my friends listen to my ipod and always complains on how I have too many rock songs on it =|!
|o| How there's always only around 8 people online on my gaia friends list everyday xD! Seriously, there's never more or less people, just exactly 8 whenever I check xD
|x| Exams D:!
|o| Not knowing whether or not your friends with him or more.
|x| Wanting to ask someone something, but too afraid to.
|o| When your wireless internet keeps disconnecting on you and your msn stops working ;-;
|x| Being shy.
|o| The smell of paint & new carpet
|x| Small, tight, spiral staircases. I've developed a fear ;-;
|o| Not being able to sleep every single night for about 3 months.
|x| Getting poked ;-; I'm very ticklish
|o| when peoples shirt tags are showing D; it annoys me for some reason xD

Likes x//__

Music <3!! |x|
Hanging out with friends |o|
Shopping for clothes |x|
My iPod |o|
Freshly baked goods :3! |x|
English and Business class (so social xD) |o|
My shoes. |x|
Serbia |o|
Reading interesting things |x|
My laptop. |o|
Singing <3! |x|
Being Weird and Random |o|
My Hat <3! |x|
Waking up in the morning |o|
Sitting by the pool and watch drifting clouds |x|
Writing lyrics |o|
Shoess <3 |x|
boys (xD!)|o|
Singing in the shower |x|
Watching people fall off a skateboard. |o|
Crepes and Crofnes(a pastry, not sure what it's called in english xD) |x|
Silence. |o|
Being home alone |x|
Getting scared |o|
Afro's |x|
Striaghtening my hair |o|
Blaring my music loud when i'm home alone |x|

Pfft, that's enough s**t about me. =|
I'm not very interesting, eh?

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Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 05/15/2011 7:41 am


awesome name< and more awesomeness for being weired

Report | 06/18/2010 10:50 pm


Happy belated birthday!
Dark Knight Dragoon

Report | 11/23/2009 6:31 am

Dark Knight Dragoon

Ahh !!! I MISS YOU !!! how you been dooing, avi looks great !!!
Bl3ss3d Ang3l

Report | 09/09/2009 8:35 am

Bl3ss3d Ang3l

WUSSUP Poisoned Muffin..? ;D
Dark Knight Dragoon

Report | 07/22/2009 6:31 am

Dark Knight Dragoon

Thanks hun XD ... yea its nothing to do with ressecion, its they dont want to take pay cuts them selves so they hire and not hire. *hugs* thanks for the love smile *high5*

Report | 07/12/2009 3:48 pm


Yep : ] I've been great! u?

Report | 07/11/2009 5:23 am


Lol i wont take it personally XD i havent been on in a while. My other account is inuyashasesshomaru.
Dark Knight Dragoon

Report | 07/08/2009 8:59 am

Dark Knight Dragoon

Hmm well thats better XD razz *hugs* im holding in alright i guess considering the pain i have. carla's rudeness and recent decision to ignore me and delete me is an upset i thougth she was better then that, but i was wrong. I feel more alone now then ever as well, being summer no ones around hardly and still no work.

Report | 07/04/2009 3:33 pm


Dark Knight Dragoon

Report | 06/26/2009 5:42 am

Dark Knight Dragoon

Oh my ... yea we made a second washroom in the basement XD it was always there just the pipes atleast, 4 people one bath = BAD!


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