President butterfly11

President butterfly11's avatar

Birthday: 11/03

My Own Butt kickin style


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What im going to tell you is:

i am 13. i live with m parents. im a blue belt in katare. i live in springfield. i go to a christian school. i also live on a bad block. i have two brothers and two sisters and a friend who thinks that we sisters even though im 4 days older than her.


The day turns to night so
As the darkness roles so
do my tears.
The blood drips from my
fresh cut wriasts.
I start to feel dizzy
everything around me going
To never agian wake.

My only writing

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return of the kids

a story about 3 friend two of them are siblings. and one a only child. their parents were killed by servants of the parents friends. the kids get older and are warriors now. they fight the evil people, that killed their. One girl who's father died fr


This my life and I do what i want to . and if you dont like it. you can kiss my white butt

You mess with my friends or my family you mess with me!!

You are only as strong as your weakest member