


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 11/08/2008 3:23 pm


I used to live like that before.. kinda.. xDD there was only one computer in my brother's rooom and nobody could touch it... just to do homewroks.. and when he was at the University.. we sneak and went and use it.. xDD now I got my laptop with internet! YAY!! XD

hahahah xDD why that face??? you shouldn't forget o call them.. xDD hahaha

me??? nothing I think.. I haven't go out for a while... besides going out to school. of course.. I got no plans... inclue me in yours!! XDD hahaha jk
what are you gonna do??

Report | 11/08/2008 10:59 am


lol!! really?? no internet?? how come??
I couldn't live like that.. xDDD

what happened??' did they punished you or something??

me?? right now... am just on gaia.. and my mommy is watching this taiwanese soap opera that I haven't finished.. 'cuz there's no subs and I can't understand what they are saying...

Report | 11/07/2008 4:07 pm


LOOOOL!! XDD don't you have siblings that could tell them??? o.o??

are you still by your friend's house or what?? XDD
'cuz if you're at home. I don't think you can do anything else.. xD

Report | 11/06/2008 4:13 pm


wow!! what were you wtaching??? Dr. House?? XDD hahaha
and you still aren't sleepy? 'cuz you answered me!! XDD hahaha

hmm.. but aren't you at home now??? xDD
sorry.. am not good at giving advices.. X_x
just tell them you didn't notice it was that late... why didn't they call you if they were worried?? o.o?? did they knew you were at her house???

Report | 11/05/2008 11:25 am


no problem! =DD you are always welcome in here!! XDD hahaha
yeahh me too.. I know what you mean.. tomorrow I got classes!! crying I dont' want to go to school yet!! gonk I haven't done my homeworks.. xDD I've been lazying around in these days.. hahaha
me either!! DDX I have to wake up at 5:45am... X_x

dunno! you got a lot of money!! come in an airplane!! HAHAHA!! XDD then go back to germany! XPP
me too!! DDX I want more free days!!!

well.. right now.. not much.. I just came back from moving th stuffs to the old apartment.. and it was damn tired!!!! X_X
and u???

Report | 11/03/2008 12:06 pm


MUAHAHHAAAA!!! twisted if you don't want school just come here and join the party!! XDD hahaha jk! XD
hahha xDD you really don't like school, huh??? it's not that bad! XDD you'll get over it! XD hahaha good luck with them! =D

good night!! have fun at school! XD instead of the teachers making your life impossible you should try it too! x]
sweet dreams girl! =D

Report | 11/02/2008 12:40 pm


LOL!! I know what you mean.. I haven't drawn anything for a while.. -.- I don't have ideas.. I feel soo not creative.. X_x

XDDD you don't have to swear! XDD hahhaa I don't have classes tomorro!! YAY!! but i still have to o to school to sing the national anthem.. is that or I'll have to go and march.. -.- because is a national/public holiday... so.. I won't have to go to school till thursday!! =D


Report | 11/01/2008 4:20 pm


lol!! then he can't do anything to you!! XD
ohh well I don't know.. I don't wacth it xDD I thought you said you were watching the 2 season... so.. I assumed it was in the 2 season.. @_@
on the internet?? haha no way!! XDD I don't even watch animes on the internet.. xD am too lazy!! HAHAHA but thanks anyways! XD

YAY!!! =DD hmmm.. today I didn't want to.. but I had to go to the dentist.. X_X what I do want to is to be on in gaia 24/7!! hahahah xDD and sleeeeeeeeeeeeep!!! sleeeeeeping is gooooooooooood!! =DD and you??? what do you wnat to do???
oh!! and I got monday, tuesday, and wednesday free too!! =3333 cool!! right?? XDD

Report | 10/30/2008 5:39 pm


is he older than you??? 0cuz mine is.. and he used to threaten me when I was young!! DDX I don't understand that dude!! he loves me.. then he hates me.. ¬¬ but I do hate!! scream
really??? people keeps telling me they like that show.. but am soo lazy to watch it.. xDD hahaha maybe some other time... xPP
and they are in the 2 season.. how can I understand if I haven't watched the first one? o.o?

Report | 10/29/2008 5:17 pm


sure you are!! XDD don't worry it's a good thing.. hahah xD
'cuz I don't know how to.. xDD and I don't want to ask my bro 'cuz I dislike him.. xDD he's mean.. DDX
I do know it.. but I've never watched it.. xDD
me?? well I haven't started watching new series or anything.. just the same old one.. like Friends... I love that show.. xDD