Snow Foxark

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Birthday: 02/26


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Atsunami Report | 02/26/2009 6:33 pm
Happy Birthday!!!
Atsunami Report | 01/25/2009 8:40 pm
If you give me anything to read I will most definitely critique it. Though I must warn you my downfall is grammatical errors. I am horrible about doing them, and horrible about spotting them, but other than that I can offer you advice as best as I can. And don't be afraid to be blatantly honest with me, I need it sometimes. lol

Thank you, I hope a bit of my personality rubs off into my story. Though when I read it out loud I don't think I do the story justice.

Now you know a lot about me, though I know very little about you. Is it rude of me to ask how old you are or any of those trivial things people talk about when they first meet?

I don't think you would literally die going through the training. Actually the training has gone a bit softer over the years, which really does piss me off a bit. I am the living proof that if I can make it through, seriously anyone can. It just takes some hard work, and determination. And I was determined even if it Killed me, which it has nearly done. The Air Force is a good way to go though, at least if you are interested in being well taken care of. Out of all the branches of service I would have to say that they have the easiest of lives. Not saying that makes them any less important than any other branch, they are equally as important. But if I hadn't gone in the Marines I probably would have gone with them second. You know they get paid extra for being on a base where Marines are at! Or so that's what I've been told.

Have you started college already? If so, what is your major if you mind me asking?
Atsunami Report | 01/25/2009 8:14 pm
Thanks for the add. I would love to be able to share our works. It's always good to have another mind helping you fill in the minute blanks you forget to fill in. Though I have only really had one person read through my work, so if you find it a tad bit horrid, well please be blunt with me. I would rather be able to improve, regardless of the blow to my ego, than continue on writing something completely horrible. I hope that this can be a start to a good friendship, in which both of the different worlds we are living in and creating can benefit from.
xallyvampx Report | 01/18/2009 1:09 pm
sure that'd be cool,I'm not sure that I'd want to use those characters though I'd probably use the characters from my story Black Day as I need to devlope that much more. ( I've gotten to attached to those charatcers and the story about them is over )

Though it has a whole different basis of rule pertaining to vampires and how they work, live and such. Like for example there are no purebloods, not all vampires have a specail skill (thought my main characters do), and they are olny able to sleep unless they've been kissed by another vampire.
xallyvampx Report | 01/17/2009 8:05 pm
((note: sorry I just cant figure out why my messaging is working so sloww))
okay come on really you are the first guy who has ever read any of my mushy gushy love stories why can't I read one of your self proclaimed crap
-[Kibi]- Report | 01/17/2009 5:35 pm
hey! i got an 83 on my essay! i wouldve had a 93 but it was late cuz i forgot my works cited page xp
Ashling Ailey Report | 01/11/2009 4:34 pm
Ashling Ailey
-[Kibi]- Report | 11/20/2008 8:33 pm
thanks for arguing!
you've made me think =) i like that!



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