
Wonderp's avatar

Last Login: 04/07/2024 11:05 am

Birthday: 07/23


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hello everyone. This is me...
I has a beautiful nose, don't you think?
Anywho, I have a quirky since of humor so don't be surprised if I freak you out.
Most of my friends love me for that quality anywhos...

There's only one bit of advice I have to give you before you go...
When it comes to life:
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Pretty long wishlist as you can see...
Any donations would be greatly appreciated...


[img:1da79c53f1]http://i320.photobucket.com/albums/nn330/selfish3489/Avi art/WonderBoy-2-1.png[/img:1da79c53f1]
Click for amazing art[/size:1da79c53f1]
[b:1da79c53f1]Bonafide Art whore[/b:1da79c53f1][/size:1da79c53f1]
Just lead me to your art shop or PM me and I'll do the rest...[/size:1da79c53f1]
wink [/align:1da79c53f1]
