
Natsreik's avatar

Last Login: 08/26/2015 12:26 am

Registered: 01/22/2005

Gender: Female

Location: Somewhere out there


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not much to say except for the fact that I love to read and write and draw and sing and play the piano. oh... I am a picky eater. lol so... guys don't normally have to take me somewhere expensive. ^_^ I love fantasy and I laugh a lot. I am a big daydreamer. which is so fun! hehe... and making up my own worlds and character's and plots... it's weird yet thrilling too!


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Kyosuke Hatatsuki Report | 05/10/2007 11:18 am

Well hullo there cutey heart
Kyosuke Hatatsuki Report | 05/10/2007 10:58 am

Kyosuke Hatatsuki Report | 04/16/2007 2:04 pm
Har har har, sooooo true. Or maybe it's because....I'm sooo friggen cool! rofl's all you :XP:
Kyosuke Hatatsuki Report | 04/10/2007 10:49 am
Oh wow...who is that incredibly sexy man that just commented you? He is really hawt....Kyo....something. I can't quite place it....

lolz just kidding xd I'm not narcissistic.....That word is too hard to spell! scream
Kyosuke Hatatsuki Report | 04/10/2007 10:26 am
Hullo. I don't recognize your did we meet? If you have no idea what I'm talking about...sorry xd You're on my f list! lolz
BruisedAngelCrying Report | 03/19/2007 1:53 pm
well not bad.
BruisedAngelCrying Report | 03/11/2007 1:31 pm
ya hey how are you?
Seasons of the Heart Report | 03/09/2007 4:22 am
hi ^^ nmu?
DiorDuchamp Report | 03/05/2007 9:12 pm
haha yeah, i guess stories would be easier for writers, huh.
ijust ended up using something me and my boyfriend and our friend made up on a roadtrip one time XD
DiorDuchamp Report | 03/01/2007 11:49 pm
well now i'm, uh
freaking out because i needed to have a story for an animation weeks ago and my brain just does not work when it comes to stories :0


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the cheshire cat master

Great. I'm flying in space.

Yeah. seems that way doesn't it?

Exit. Pursued by a bear.