
Zachyrawr n.
Idiotic 5'0" boy who really needs to stop procrastinating all the time. Maybe he'd get some work done.

Name: Zachy
Birthdate: February 28th, 1992
Gender: Male
Nationality: Filipino
Location: Hong Kong, China
Sexual Orientation: Gay
Status: Single
Likes: Graphic design, drawing, ducks, writing, reading, messing with people
Dislikes: Idiots (hypocritical, I know xD), little kids, bugs, homophobes, unlikeable people

I won't take s**t from haters, I'll simply ignore you and walk away. I'm not about to start hating back either, because it'll just keep going on and on, like a big hate cycle. The more hate you add to it, the more hate you'll get in return.

I try to believe in people, rather than a God. You could always pray to a higher being to try change things in your life, but in reality it's just people who can change it drastically. Believing in something you already know is true seems more logical to me than believing in something that isn't.

//Rise Against
//The Butterfly Effect
//Thousand Foot Krutch

Big versions are linked in my minishop 'Light My Fire'.

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Viewing 12 of 30 friends



Random ramblings by me :]


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 10/10/2010 9:41 pm


You were on gaia and you didn't say hello surprised
How are youuu!!!?
the hidden ghost

Report | 02/26/2010 3:47 am

the hidden ghost

Oops, not tomorrow, soon. Just noticed you had your birthday on your profile.

Happy Birthday anyways.
the hidden ghost

Report | 02/26/2010 3:44 am

the hidden ghost

Gaia tells me it's your birthday tomorrow. ninja

Happy birthday if this is correct.

Report | 11/21/2009 7:53 pm


I have both.
They way I see it, there are people who use Flickr and not Deviant Art, and there are people who use Deviant Art who don't use Flickr.
It gives me the chance to reach out to more people.
= ].

I have a lot of difficulty using Deviant Art, but I'm starting to get used to it, or at least trying.

Report | 11/21/2009 2:18 am


Hahaha, I actually despise Yahoo, but I happened to have an account from wayyy back when that I remembered.
The upshot is that it's finally going to good use.

Report | 11/20/2009 10:35 pm


That's great!
Always good to see a fellow photographer.
Perhaps you should consider making an account on Flickr.
All of my work is at flickr.com/girlinthegymclass.

Report | 11/16/2009 10:21 pm


haha fair enough.
After all it HAS to be a damm hot one ^^

Report | 11/15/2009 3:39 pm


OMG really!?
There's a movie coming out???!!
Haha Yay.
LOL I know right. If the world ended in 2012 I'd just pretty much die
The world doesn't have to end for that.

Report | 11/14/2009 3:43 pm


Haha I know what you mean
Super gorgeous huh ^^
OMGSH gambit is deffs smexxi
But aww they didn't show him alot at all
-disappointed- Hehe
still thought *hearts in eyes* Lol

Report | 11/13/2009 5:34 pm


lawl! Oh I see! xD So where are you right now? -isintrigued-


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Art and Signs > Light My Fire
Graphics > zomgzach (A free ministore)