
My name is Alley, I'm 22 years of age.
My birthday is April 1st.
I am in a relationship with a wonderful man named Devin.
We've been having fun together since July, 8th, 2011.
He's spoiled.
We have two boys.
They're names are Po and Tai - they're domestic short hairs.
They're brothers.
They're also spoiled.

Cooking is my passion.
I love everything Studio Ghibli
I have two cats that are like my furry babies.
My favorite season is Summer into Fall.
I work at a craft store and goof around all day.
When I'm not watching cartoons, I'm watching ghost shows.
Gardening is becoming a hardcore obsession.
I like getting my friends random gifts.
Drawing is one of my hobbies both traditional and digital.
I maybe sometime eventually probably open an art shop?
Rarely do commissions.

I own a 30, 60, and 130 Gallon fish tank.
We could talk about fish for hours if you get me started.
They are all Freshwater tanks.
My favorite fish to keep are Angelfish, hopefully I'll be able to keep Discus.
I have one fish that I absolutely love, his/her name is Oasis.
It's a Black Ghost Knife Fish - look them up, gorgeous.
I wish it were easier to sex so I could know if it is a male or female XDD
I can't wait until it's full-grown!!
Ask me for picures!

I hate getting sick. (but who doesn't?)
Fruits are rarely a part of my daily consumption.
Morning and I don't get along.
I can get annoyed very easily and hold grudges.. >>;;
I don't like when people stop talking to me abruptly.
Can't stand suspense movies or movies meant to be scary.
When cooking, it bothers me when I have to use something pre-made xD;
I drink way too much soda.
Probably spend more money on here than I should .w.;

Uhm. I'm totally weird, but in a good way.
And we can be friends.

Paws (and hoomans)
Who have made my Gaia experience
So much more enjoyable ;///W///;

Lance C Bones
K i n g X u m o t - XVI
Summer Memory
aj OWO
6 Sweet Love6
I Kick Humans
| Svea |
Luster Dust
His Favorite Nightmare
Anon Paw
3 POINT 14159
Doctor Frost PhD
And those mysterious sexy anons!

Thank you for stopping by!
Remember you're beautiful!