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XxGRAYEAGLExX Report | 08/14/2012 5:31 pm
I-Ate-Your-Oreos Report | 08/08/2012 7:35 am
Thank you so much!!!
emotion_kirakira emotion_bigheart
Leader_Ace Report | 08/02/2012 12:06 pm
thank you.
schiron Report | 07/30/2012 2:36 am
Don't worry I wont... or at least hope not O.o dunno with all those strangers who we call customers razz

Well happy b-day to your grandma, and my next day off aint up yet so I will try keeping you informed k.
*wags* Well I have to head off to work soon *sighs* I hate morning shifts >.> anywho take care Jeannie, I will ttu when able k.
Also I will razz
schiron Report | 07/26/2012 11:01 pm
That sounds like an awsome idea, very creative and very thoughtful.
Also sry for the late reply, I have been doing odd hours >.> I have been doing 6am-3pm, then the next day 11am-8pm, and now I am doing 1pm-10pm O.o it is all mixed up >.>
Yeah the world revolves around money... to do anything you need money and making said money stretch takes alot practice and calculating to a point. I come by it naturally, I can make 100 dollars last me 2weeks razz but that is stretching a bit since anything could happen.
That story sounds awsome, and it does sound like us razz what is the name?

Well I gotta hop, I have to wake to do a 1pm-10pm >.> no daylight at all... think I should become a vampire razz
*wags* you take care Jeannie, I will ttu when able... I am off sat. if you are on just message me k and I will try being on. I can't promise since I might have to celebrate my mamaw's (grandmother) b-day if she is over when I get home.
schiron Report | 07/18/2012 1:03 pm
Its Walmart, I don't think I am gonna get that exhausted razz especially since I am in a freezer basicly all day razz

Well I work 11-8 the next two days, and then I have to get my schedule for next week so I know what I work you know.

Also I get enough sleep, I try getting roughly 6hrs or more a night when I work.

So how you doing Jeannie?
schiron Report | 07/15/2012 9:14 pm
I miss you also Jeannie *hangs head*

I work a noon-9pm tomorrow >.>
Then I am off the following day and a half... reason I say that is due to the fact I ahve to crash early to get up early in the morning razz I aint easy to wake up... that is why I have at least 15-20 alarms every 15min interval starting at least 4hrs away razz

I will try getting on for a few hours k, I have to start planning on what I have to pay bill wise that way I can stretch my check 2 weeks, with gas and a $2 worth of lunch per work day. = roughly $28 if I work day to day >.> less if I get days off like I have been told since I am part time.
I will keep you informed on my schedule k.
*hugs* take care Jeannie, ttu on my day off k. (ps. Sorry for posting so BIG on your comment section v.v you can delete it if you want k.)
schiron Report | 07/14/2012 11:15 pm
*flatten ears*

Sorry Jeannie, I am basicly getting no time to do anything >.> basicly I get up go to work, get off come home, eat somthing then crashing after like 1hr time.
Then waking 7hrs later to repeat, my days off are basicly nothing more than a break since I have to work the day after <,< so instead of actually sleeping in I simply go to bed on time again and get up for work like at 2:30am and leaving around 5am to work.

Again I am sorry, wish I could be on again... miss tlaking with you.
XxGRAYEAGLExX Report | 07/04/2012 7:07 am
whats wrong, why are you depressed? like your status sais
schiron Report | 06/28/2012 10:56 am
Will do razz

As for my interviews, they went good. They said I have the job... buuut I haven't been called or scheduled to work >.> so basicly I have a job but then again I don't >.> if they don't call me soon I am gonna call them and find out why.



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