
Kihaku_Wolf's avatar

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Birthday: 10/15


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I didn't order this.

Only the finest blank space around.


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Goddess Rukus Report | 10/23/2015 8:51 am
Thanks very much for that article you linked in the thread. It was really, really helpful! (:
Goddess Rukus Report | 10/22/2015 9:07 am
Since you asked what example I sourced in my thread I thought I'd answer you. It wasn't a specific example. The "Oh no!" thing was just a way of phrasing the question so it made sense, but I was actually thinking of Dementors from Harry Potter, which are always capitalized in the books for some reason. There's also Freaks, from the Razorland Trilogy by Ann Aguirre, but I think in that case she was just trying to separate the term for the monsters from the colloquial word freak.
Hamlettell Report | 09/26/2015 7:47 am
I Day I Report | 08/20/2014 6:06 am
C: thank you!
Sinistern Citizen Report | 08/16/2014 3:41 pm
Haha, no, it's completely fine! I think you owned me there! Great work, it was fun!
Turnilk Report | 08/15/2014 11:58 pm
A majority of the video the speaker talked about leisure and how what is considered leisure has changed. It was a wonderful peek at other times as well as enlightening. I never really thought learning about something could be considered a leisurely activity. Most people I've been around and spoken to say that learning about anything should lead to something. It hasn't always seemed odd to me, but in the past year or so it has, starting with a woman who asked me what was the point of learning about history.

Thank you for linking me to the video. I think I'll listen to more of them.

I'm not quite sure what, if anything, would be the right response to giving someone a new viewpoint. "You're welcome" doesn't seem quite right, and neither does "I'm glad to have helped". I'll have to leave you with a somewhat confusing thought: its both, but not quite either one.
Turnilk Report | 08/15/2014 2:58 pm
I didn't mean to say that everyone should have their signature the way I prefer it. It is annoying to me, but not my place to tell anyone they need or have to change it.

I started out more interested in the written word, more specifically, what the letters look like. Some languages have rather beautiful ways of writing and I ended up making my own and then wanting to pair an actual language with it, so I started looking into linguistics. Looking into linguistics to learn more about language for the love of language and for the sake of being smarter sounds like better reasons though.

I will be listening to the video shortly while I visit one of websites I visit daily (I can't read and listen to someone talk at the same time). After I give it a listen, I can then comment on it.
Turnilk Report | 08/15/2014 2:41 am
I try to be open to changing myself should I think the change be for the better. Doesn't always go that way, but I do try.
I dislike when people just put a name at the end of a quote. If I wanted to know where exactly the quote came from and the context around it, I'd have to dig for a good long time in many cases, especially for an obscure quote.
You look(ed) into linguistics too? If I may ask, is/was there any particular reason?
It has been nice meeting you as well.
Turnilk Report | 08/14/2014 11:40 am
Don't read too much into the quote. I saw it and agreed with it as well as recognized that I sometimes tell people what they should think. I put the quote in my signature to remind myself to let people think as they wish, whether or not I agree with it.
I don't think people being interested in many things is rare, then again I don't get out much sweatdrop Right now I'm looking into linguistics. Nothing more than amateur research, but Its rather fascinating what I've found out, or at least I think so.
The video is a bit long for me to watch at the moment, but I will give it a try later.
Sinistern Citizen Report | 08/13/2014 10:39 am
((Pff, be as harsh as you want! It fuels me. I'm surprised you're going this long, haha!))

I get it, you won't admit it when I ******** with your head.
All because your nutcase leaders told you not to- well, they're dead.
Why do you admire them? Why don't you think for yourself?
I'll beat them too if they had to battle 'ginst this gremlin-elf.

And you think you are the fire, huh! Ain't that cute.
I was figurin' you were the figures in the Aristotle dispute.
Overshadowed by greatness, perceiving false reality.
If I laugh at your rap, I promise it's merely a formality.

You have more bite to your breath, and I do applaud it.
But a few more big words, and I might have nodded-

Off to sleep.
Your words are so cheap.
Spout another peep, of that psychoanalysis *BLEEP*
And I'll literally reap, all in one sweep-

Put it to rest, because who could have guessed?
That this guy renaissance dressed, in his vibrant vest
Had no finesse, much less rest, to beat out the best-

At his own game. Remember the name. Victor 'n Emzi's one in the same.
Critically acclaimed, going down in fame. But not for this claim.
Because you're tame.

If you've "beaten legends," you mean Aesop fables.
Call me when you have something to bring to the table.


Tit for Tat


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